
There are 238 results.

Haus der Zukunft

SOL4 business and training center Eichkogel

Demonstration project for sustainable construction of a working and living environment

Haus der Zukunft

Reconstruction ecological Freihof Sulz

integral reconstruction of the valuable cultural heritage "Freihof Sulz" to a communication- and action centre; Demonstration project for local culture and life quality, old building techniques, energy saving and ecological reconstruction."

Haus der Zukunft

New Standards for Old Houses. Sustainable Renovation Concepts for Houses on Estates Built Between the Wars and Post-War

The many housing estates of detached houses in Austria built in the times of economic crisis between the wars and post-war as part of publicly funded housing programmes are the starting point for this research project. The aim is to offer detailed guidelines with basic planning principles for the renovation of these housing estates with detached houses, aiming to reach the standard of a low-energy house or a passive house.

Haus der Zukunft

Energy-efficient army barracks

Holistic sanitation concepts for three selected army barracks belonging to the Austrian armed forces to achieve the standard of a low-energy house. An increase in energy efficiency and corresponding models for implementation agreed with large-volume buildings with due consideration to the special conditions prevalent within the Austrian armed forces.

Haus der Zukunft

An analysis of the factors supporting and hindering the market penetration of innovative residential buildings

An empirical analysis of the most important factors in supporting or hindering the market diffusion of selected technologies or different innovative residential concepts.

Haus der Zukunft

PASSIVe house renovation, Makartstrasse, Linz

Modernization of a multistorey block of flats with 50 units (built in 1957/58). Renovation up to passive house standard.

Haus der Zukunft

MODESTORE - Modular High Energy Density Sorption Heat Storage

Seasonal storage of solar heat for use in low energy and passive houses (new buildings as well as old buildings).

Haus der Zukunft

green LIGHT: light, fresh air, exterior space, greening in the large volume PassivHaus

theoretical topics: Optimization of natural light, ambient humidity and of private exterior space, planted over buildings, evaluation of the energetic performance and special challenges of large volume "Passivhaus" residential buildings. applied research: concept for the renovation of a 13 storey residential building for senior citizens built in 1974 to PassivHaus standards, applying the results attained in the theoretical part.

Haus der Zukunft

Solar cooling machine with a cooling power of 2 kW

Development and building of a prototype of a coolingmachine with a cooling power of 2 kW, tests and optimizing on a test facility, connection to a solar unit and utilization for air conditioning.

Haus der Zukunft

Development of a Window for Passive-Housing Featuring an Integrated Sun Shield

Development of a laminated wooden/aluminum window for a passive-housing featuring an integrated sun shield in the shape of blinds or of folding net curtain.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Total Quality Design and Assessment of buildings as a strategy to increase the level of know-how with regard to the issue of "sustainable buildings".

Total Quality Design and Assessment is an instrument to increase the demand for high quality buildings; "high quality" in terms of improved comfort as well as decrease in negative environmental impact, at affordable costs. Application of TQ design targets requires additional and new knowledge, thus increasing the level of know-how with regard to the issue of "sustainable buildings".

Haus der Zukunft

ZSG - Sustainable Concepts in urban redevelopment and building refurbishment

Project on research and implementation for ecological and energy efficient concepts, urban redevelopment and building refurbishment. Performance of a routing project on a former ter-ritory of the Austrian armed forces in Steyr.

Haus der Zukunft

Einfach:wohnen, Phase Construction

Support for the erection of the demonstrative housing project consisting of 7 houses (5 Low energy houses, 1 passive house and 1 "next to passive house")

Haus der Zukunft

Experiences and attitudes of users as a basis for the development of sustainable housing concepts with high social acceptance

The aim of this project was to a) analyse current experiences of users of ecologically innovative residential buildings ("passive houses", solar houses, etc.) in Austria, b) to evaluate innovative housing concepts in focus groups, and c) to create a model for the continuous participation of users in the innovation process.

Haus der Zukunft

Passive-house-suited low power wood-furnace

Log-fired furnace with low energy performance, optimised to be used in passive house constructions. The desired energy output, ranging from 1 kW to a max-peak of 3 kW, is achieved by an "energy storing unit" (energy-storage material covered by an insulation layer) in combination with valves to control the energy release.

Haus der Zukunft

Timber construction for high-density housing

Development of technical and economical solutions for high-density housing in timber construction under consideration of future regulatory developments (case study of a 5-story housing complex in Vienna).

Haus der Zukunft

Haus Zeggele in Silz

Energy restoration of a historical residential building

Haus der Zukunft

Passive cooling concepts for office and administrative buildings using earth-to-air and earth-to-fluid heat exchangers

Analysis of existing passive cooling concepts, examination of various other passive cooling concepts and a comparison with conventional air conditioning systems. The elaboration of practice-oriented tools for the planning and implementation of the passive cooling concepts selected.

Haus der Zukunft

Contracting as a instrument for renovation

Development of contracting models for comprehensive renovation service packages.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Practice Guide for Sustainable Building Sanitation and Modernisation within Construction Intents

A checklist considering priority, construction progress and actors is elaborated to serve a future-oriented selection of materials, energy carriers, design and construction within building sanitation, under a deliberate consideration of the involved actors from the construction branch