energy innovation austria

There are 48 results.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Bioenergy in the energy system of the future

Energy supply based on renewable resources. energy innovation austria 4/2019

Publisher: BMVIT und Klima- und Energiefonds
English, 12 pages

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Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Decarbonisation of industry

Ways to achieve a zero-emission industry. Innovation is the key for climate-friendly production. energy innovation austria 3/2019

Publisher: BMVIT und Klima- und Energiefonds
English, 12 pages

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Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Cooling Citites

Innovative solutions for liveable urban areas energy innovation austria 2/2019

Publisher: BMVIT und Klima- und Energiefonds
English, 12 pages

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Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

South Burgenland Innovation Cluster

South Burgenland Innovation Cluster for Integrated Regional Energy and Transport Systems energy innovation austria 1/2019

Publisher: BMVIT und Klima- und Energiefonds
Multilingual, 8 pages

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Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Digitization in the construction industry

Research and technology development in Austria energy innovation austria 4/2018

Publisher: BMVIT und Klima- und Energiefonds
English, 8 pages

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Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Innovations for cool urban oases

Smart ideas for green infrastructure and against urban overheating energy innovation austria 3/2018

Publisher: BMVIT und Klima- und Energiefonds
English, 8 pages

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Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Smart grid innovations from Austria

New components and storage facilities for tomorrow‘s energy supply system. energy innovation austria 2/2018

Publisher: BMVIT und Klima- und Energiefonds
English, 8 pages

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Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Pioneering industrial energy technologies

Innovations on the way to low-carbon industry energy innovation austria 1/2018

Publisher: BMVIT und Klima- und Energiefonds
English, 8 pages

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Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Bridging technologies on the way to a climate neutral future

New strategies for capturing and utilizing carbon dioxide energy innovation austria 4/2017

Publisher: BMVIT und Klima- und Energiefonds
English, 8 pages

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Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Efficient use of biogenic resources

Current research and technology development energy innovation austria 3/2017

Publisher: BMVIT und Klima- und Energiefonds
English, 8 pages

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Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Photovoltaics - a key technology

Innovations from Austria for tomorrow`s power supply energy innovation austria 2/2017

Publisher: BMVIT und Klima- und Energiefonds
English, 8 pages

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Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Building innovations from Austria

Pioneering technological developments – internationally approved energy innovation austria 1/2017

Publisher: BMVIT und Klima- und Energiefonds
English, 8 pages

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Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Innovations for the city of tomorrow

Smart strategies, technologies and system solutions from Austria energy innovation austria 4/2016

Publisher: BMVIT und Klima- und Energiefonds
English, 16 pages

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Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Smart grids for a sustainable energy supply system

Current strategies and solutions energy innovation austria 2/2016

Publisher: BMVIT und Klima- und Energiefonds
English, 8 pages

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Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Biobased Industry

Austrian strategies for producing from renewable raw materials energy innovation austria 3/2015

Publisher: BMVIT and Climate and Energy Fund
English, 8 pages

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Biobased Industry

Austrian strategies for producing from renewable raw materials energy innovation austria 3/2015

Publisher: BMVIT and Klima- und Energiefonds
English, 8 pages

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Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Hydrogen and fuel cell technology

in the energy and transport systems of the future energy innovation austria 2/2015

Publisher: BMVIT und Klima- und Energiefonds
English, 8 pages

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Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Tomorrow's heating networks

Austrian system solutions for sustainable energy supply in urban areas energy innovation austria 1/2015

Publisher: BMVIT & Klima- und Energiefonds
English, 8 pages

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Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Sustainable Lighting

Research & development for new technologies and products from Austria Today energy innovation austria 4/2014

Publisher: BMVIT and Klima- und Energiefonds
English, 8 pages

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Haus der Zukunft

Building innovations from Austria in the Arab world

Projects and perspectives energy innovation austria 3/2014

Publisher: BMVIT and Klima- und Energiefonds
English, 8 pages

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