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There are 927 results.

Haus der Zukunft

Site certificate

Possibilities and requirements of transferring the Swiss “2000-Watt Site” certificate to Austria

Haus der Zukunft

Small wind turbines for households and companies

In a practical way the project showed that with optimised small wind turbines a useful potential of wind power can also be generated at different suitable locations with low wind conditions directly at households and companies.

Stadt der Zukunft

SmallWindPower@Home - Impact assessment of building-mounted small wind turbines on performance, people, building and environment

Within the project SmallWindPower@Home the impact of complex obstacles on the local flow pattern as well as on the inflow and the performance of different building-mounted small wind turbines (SWT) had been evaluated. Furthermore the effects of these building-mounted SWT on the building, the resident people and the direct environment were analysed.

Stadt der Zukunft

Smart & Urban Tree - Exploring integrative possibilities of structures for urban shading

The project "Smart & Urban Tree" explores large-scale artificial structures, which may serve as a supplementary alternative to other greening measures, such as trees and facade greenery, in dense urban contexts, where traditional concepts cannot be applied in a satisfactory manner. Such structures offer a wide-range of to-be integrated functions and can contribute to mitigation of urban heat islands.

Haus der Zukunft

Smart ABC Smart Energy Efficient Active Buildings and Building Clusters

The EPBD recast 2010 targeted "nearly zero energy buildings". This low amount of energy is to be covered by energy from renewable energy sources. The project "Smart ABC" analysed a variety of relevant solution sets regarding the building performance and the renewable based energy supply options. Energetic and ecological impacts were analyzed in order to optimize the integration of renewable energy technologies in building standards and to find answers how to depict a building cluster regarding standards and tools.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Smart Gas Grids - Intelligent Gas Networks of the Future

The basic principles of "Smart Gas Grids" will be investigated and practical issues and deployment strategies will be studied in detail. Furthermore, together with the relevant stakeholders, a "Vision- and Strategy Paper" and a draft for a "Strategic Research Agenda" will be developed.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Smart Metering consumption

The project Smart Metering consumption focused on the energy consumption of the future smart metering infrastructure - an issue not widely discussed until now.

Stadt der Zukunft

Smart Pölten 2.0 Holistic view on a Vertical Farm in preparation for a demonstration project for the city of St. Pölten

The city of St. Pölten forsees great potential in Vertical Farming with regard to the objectives related to the concept of the Smart City program - linking local food production, quality of life by reducing resource consumption. This has to be evaluated by combining Vertical Farms with existing living buildings. Eco-social and socio-economic considerations play an important role in this process.

Haus der Zukunft

Smart Services for resource optimized energy systems in urban districts

The concept of a smart city explicitly refers to a sustainable city development. To apply smart city concepts in practice, it is essential to develop practice- and profit-oriented business models (smart services), which at the same time generate social and ecological benefits. Smart services were developed for the application in three specific city development areas and their practicability was verified in a comprehensive stakeholder process with decision makers.

Haus der Zukunft

Smart.Monitor – SMART city indicators and MONITORing for smart city objectives – based on the example of the Smart City Vienna Framework Strategy

Elaborating and preparing the basic information and data required to conceptualize indicators and a monitoring system for the smart city framework strategy. The results shall support the future monitoring of the Smart City Vienna Framework Strategy.

Stadt der Zukunft

SmartCity Baumgarten - Demonstration of an anergy network and implementation of climate-friendly solutions in existing districts

Implementation of a cross-property anergy network for the supply of heating, cooling and electricity in an existing neighbourhood. With this demonstration project, a technical-legal alternative for areas outside of district heating supply is developed, which makes it possible for neighbourhoods to join together to use renewable energies in common.

Stadt der Zukunft

SmartQ+ Bruck/Leitha - Energy saving potentials through neighbourhood and community planning

First-time linking of transport and energy simulation models for municipal planning in order to visualise (energy) saving potentials in settlement development and effects of planning projects on mobility demand and the energy network of a municipality in an interactive visualisation.

Stadt der Zukunft

SocialLowCostFlex - Collaborative flexible low-cost energy supply concepts for social housing

This project aimed for feasible low-cost solutions, which allow residents of multi-party houses, with special focus on social housing to profit and participate in the energy transition process and associated trends (e.g. community generation units, exploitation of flexibility). The results of the project are low-cost concepts and business models of community generation units and utilization concepts, tested for their feasibility in a social housing complex. These concepts are based on special requirements of different lifestyles in low-income households and take the framework of social housing such as tenant fluctuation into account.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Socio-technical support model - energy vision Murau

A socio-technical support model will be created for the Region of Murau. It will be established in strong cooperation with local and regional actors, to reach a broad realisation of a network on sustainable solutions on renewable energy sources. This pilot model will also be an example for multiply.

Haus der Zukunft

Sol2Pump - High efficient combination of solar thermal plants, photovoltaic and heat pumps

Targeting a high level of decentralised energy supply on basis of renewable energy, the project analysed the possible combinations of solar thermal energy, photovoltaic and heat pumps. The project aimed to maximise the domestic energy supply due to utilisation of the building as short term energy storage. In addition to that, several optimisation measures had been developed. The impact on the energy supply and demand will be economically assessed through life cycle costing. On this basis, the potential load transfer and the use of this kind of systems had been evaluated in combination with smart grids.

Stadt der Zukunft

Sol4City - Integrated solar supply concepts for climate-neutral buildings for the "city of the future"

Intelligent technology coupling to achieve high solar coverage of the buildings (multi-storey residential building) heat and electricity demand. At the end of the project, integrated energy supply concepts for multi-storey residential buildings based on high network interaction and flexibility potential, maximum surface efficiency of conversion technologies on site and high economic competitiveness are available for the broad applicability in the "City of the Future".

Stadt der Zukunft

SolCalc: Development of a standardized calculation algorithm for the energy consumption assessment and the energy certification of residential buildings with a solar fraction of up to 100% in combination with biomass boilers and heat pumps

Development of a standardized calculation algorithm for the energy consumption assessment and the energy certification of residential buildings with a solar fraction of up to 100% in combination with biomass boilers and heat pumps

Fabrik der Zukunft

Solar thermal cooling system consisting of a parabolic trough collector field and a steam jet ejector chiller

A solar thermal cooling system consisting of a parabolic trough collector field and a steam jet ejector chiller has been developed. The necessary components were built and tested and finally put together to get an operating pilot plant at the test facility.

Haus der Zukunft

SolarCooling Monitor - Evaluation of energy efficiency and operation modes of solar cooling systems for air-conditioning in buildings in Austria

Evaluation of ten newly installed solarthermal cooling systems in Austria as well as a large-scale plant in Lisbon to identify the plant’s performance using a monitoring analysis and comparing simulation.

Haus der Zukunft

Solarenergie Urban - Analysis and evaluation of the economic, energetic and architectural quality of urban solar energy buildings

This project developed energetic and economic optimised planning criteria for multi storey residential buildings for the integration of renewable energy systems in the building shell. The field of new construction and refurbishment had been investigated.