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There are 158 results.

Haus der Zukunft

Urban wind energy - Development of methods for the assessment of small wind turbines in urban areas

The project "Urban wind energy" aims to create the basis for the assessment of roof-mounted small wind turbines (SWT) in urban areas. Therefore, methods for the characterisation of turbulent wind flow fields are developed and on the other hand the impacts of turbulent wind conditions with reference to selected turbulence indicators on the performance of small wind turbines are investigated. The overall aim of the project is to address the question how to evaluate sites in urban areas for the application of small wind turbines.

Stadt der Zukunft

VERTICAL FARMING - Investigation on requirements of a Vertical Farm-prototype development for crop plant production

In the center of interest stands the investigation of fundamental principles for a new building typology – the Vertical Farm. Urban vertical food production can contribute to more energy efficient cities by concurrently reducing land use. Substantial influencing factors to achieve these goals are intended to be revealed.

Stadt der Zukunft


The project researches possibilities and potentials of highly efficient use of space through modern concepts of "stacked" functions and vertical production.

Haus der Zukunft

Ventilation and heating in passive houses: Comparison of variants in terms of thermal comfort and sustainability

This projects aims at systematic resarch on thermal comfort and the sustainability of heating passive houses with and without air heating. The results of the comprehensive investigation of different variants will provide valuable information for building developers, planners and for funding decisions.

Haus der Zukunft

WEIZconnected - crossbuilding energy exchange

The subject of this project is the design, development and demonstration / test operation of a total system of energy exchange (electricity) across buildings and building-integrated energy production for different types of buildings (residential, office, laboratory buildings).

Haus der Zukunft

WHISCERS. Whole House In-Situ Carbon & Emission Reduction Solution

Whiscers is a system for installing internal wall insulation with minimal mess, whilst the resident remains in the property. It involves measuring the walls in the property using a laser device that enables fast and highly accurate measurement. Information is then sent electronically to a computer controlled off-site cutting machine that is rapid, precise and mess-free.

Haus der Zukunft

aspern Vienna´s Urban Lakeside - subproject 1: Public Space and Micro Climate: Basics for climate sensitive planning in Aspern

The Project will derive planning examples and recommendations in order to optimize the building performance as well as outdoor amenity. The study will be based on a climate prognosis of the aspern area and compare different reference examples of construction and open space design.

Haus der Zukunft

aspern Vienna´s Urban Lakeside - subproject 6a: Energy Consumption Monitoring

This subproject of the flagship project "aspern plus" derived the basis for a centralised monitoring of the energy consumption in Seestadt aspern.

Haus der Zukunft

aspern Vienna´s Urban Lakeside subproject 2: Inter-building energy distribution

Development of comprehensive concepts for local distribution systems for thermal and electric energy within a residential area including the consideration of the interaction with construction and city planning. Derivation of measures for demonstration buildings and the infrastructure of the residential area. Integration of computing models to a prototype simulating energy distribution in the residential area.

Stadt der Zukunft - Development of a Vision 2030 for a Digital Building Authority and Recommendations for Action in Austria

In Austria, planning permission applications are submitted and managed largely manually. The aims of the project are to evaluate the potential and limitations of digitizing building approval processes and to create a Vision 2030 strategy for a digital building authority.

Stadt der Zukunft

ecoRegeneration: Development of a "Merit-Order" in order to assess regeneration heat for geothermal probes within urban residential neighbourhoods

In urban residential areas there are not enough active-cooled usages, to use the waste heat of the cooling process as required regeneration heat for geothermal probes; free cooling of the apartments is not sufficient. The project is developing various options (waste heat from commercial uses in the ground floor zones of residential buildings, by using waste heat of data centres, additional installation of heat generation systems for regeneration) within the urban settlement area, business models and is calculating life-cycle-costs of all solutions. The result should be a kind of "merit order" for regeneration heat.

Stadt der Zukunft

lowTEMP4districtheat - Reduction of the system parameters of heating networks for the integration of renewable heat sources using soft sensors

Analysis of the use of soft sensors in addition to selective real measurements for the complete recording of real-time parameters of heating networks. The data obtained enable detailed grid simulations with low computing power requirements and form the basis of a strategy for lowering the grid temperatures and feeding in decentrally generated heat.

Stadt der Zukunft

metaTGA - Metadata and process models for open BIM in building service engineering

The objective of this research project is to design a methodology for developing data and process models and to apply them by modelling selected MEP systems. A particular but not exclusive focus is put on the renewable heating technologies, e.g. heat pumps, solar heat and biomass as well as ventilation systems. The data and process models developed in this research project will be scientifically evaluated in two pilot projects. The models, the approaches taken during development and the project team’s experiences with the pilot application of the models will be disseminated openly.

Stadt der Zukunft

plusenergy-FLAGSHIP: Plus-Energy office building 2.0 - the viadonau headquarters

In the course of this project, various innovations towards a "Plus-Energy Standard 2.0" are to be implemented and combined in an overall concept for the new viadonau headquarters (via donau - Österreichische Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft m.b.H.).

Haus der Zukunft

smartEXT - extended application boundaries for proven passive house technology

The present study aims to explore the application options for compact units (ventilation devices including micro heat pumps, developed for passive houses) in low energy buildings. Compact ventilation units for heat recovery, heating and domestic hot water shall bear the basic heating load, whereas peak loads shall be covered by newly-developed auxiliary heating equipment combined with intelligent control algorithms. This allows increased energy efficiency as well as cost effectiveness together with higher living quality and lower ecological load.

Haus der Zukunft

urban pv+geotherm - Innovative concepts for the supply of large volume buildings/ quarters with PV and geothermal energy

The use of renewable energies in inner city locations is mostly linked to higher costs andconsidered as problematic. The aim of this project was to optimize (cost and energy) heating (and where required, cooling) using geothermic and photovoltaic for an urban, densely-built development area. With the project´s findings it will be easier to ecologically and economically plan the use of renewable energies especially in urban areas.

Haus der Zukunft

win wi[e]n: block development ground floor zone: Optimization of the Viennese block renewal programm as a tool for a sustainable development of street level and open (public) spaces of urban fabric

Development of the Viennese Block Renewal Program with a special focus on the ground floor zone of historical urban fabric (on the basis of the case study Block Renewal Area Ilgplatz, Vienna): sustainable restructuring and reusing of the blocks at ground level, including courtyards and street spaces- as a comprehensive planning approach.

Stadt der Zukunft

ÖKO-OPT-QUART - Economically optimized control and operating mode of complex energy networks of future city districts

In the project ÖKO-OPT-QUART energy-based, economic and control-orientated models will be developed in order to simulate the operating mode of complex, sustainable energy networks in city districts. For an exemplary configuration these models will be combined to an overall model which allows a realistic economic comparison of different control strategies. The final goal of the project is the development of a method for the systematic design of cost-optimized, predictive control strategies for complex energy networks in city districts.