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There are 199 results.
Chemical modification of wood particles for high value wood plastic composites
Based on promising preliminary work feasibility and recycling strategy of the modifying process shall be evaluated economically and ecologically.
Chemistry, process design and sustainable economic development
The results of this project were to deliver the basics for chemical process engineering taking into account the requirements of sustainable development. The proposed results will have to be in conformity with ecological, economic and social requirements for sustainability. Hence the processes will mostly be based on renewable resources.
Chemo-physical analysis and assessment of color alterations of selected hardwoods and development
Analyses of biochemical reactions causing colour changes during the hygrothermal treatment of selected hardwoods will lead to a model for defined and process-based colouration or maintenance of colour in drying and steaming processes. Based on this development the new drying and steaming schedules will be implemented in the industry.
Colors of Nature - vegetable dyes in practice
By means of optimization of the production of vegetable dyes and dyeing technology, the vegetable dyestuff "Colors of Nature" will achieve market maturity. In co-operation with farmers and companies of the textile, food processing and wood working industry there has been developed a competitive product throughout the value chain, which will not only yield an ecological advantage, but also generate regional creation of value.
The factory of tomorrow as a regional production network using renewable raw materials. A pilot project in the field of insulating materials.
Company communication strategies for sustainability
Based on a representative empirical study among ultimate consumers (1000 interviews) and an empirical survey among 200 model companies in regard to sustainable management, communication strategies and concepts are developed.
Complete use of Quinoa for surfactants, dietary aliments and fibrous material
Surfactants from the pericarp were isulated and used in personal-care products. The fruit is being processed to high quality diet nutrition for coeliacs and dietary supplement. Fibre material is being gained from the stems.
Concept for the preparation of the demo project "KernCraft Austria"
Compilation and integration of activities carried out in the field of cascade utilisation of stone fruits seeds ("KernCraft Austria") and planning of a demonstration project to start implementation of KernCraft Austria.
Creating a concept for the development of a "lubrication service" to maximize plant life on the basis of ionic liquids as special lubricants.
Creating a concept of a "lubrication service" to maximize plant life and reduce their resources consumption - a combination of development service, production and lubricating service.
Data-based processes for the creation and formulation of production data for complex industrial plants.
Development and evaluation of a process to automatically create models from existing production data of industrial plants. These models can be used to optimize the production process and plant equipment (scrap, quality, use of raw materials and energy) or to detect and predict faults.
De-lacquering as a service
Development of the service of de-lacquering in industrial plants on the basis of pulsed high pressure water with a new, energy efficient high pressure pump. Further possible applications will be searched for and evaluated.
Developing and implementing product-service-systems in the IT-sector
Developing and implementing product-service-systems in the IT-sector. Bringing the idea of sustainable IT-solutions for enterprises towards marketable models.
Development and evaluation of criteria and methods for the qualitity assurance of thermally treated hardwood
The goal of this project is the devepolment and evaluation of criteria and measurement methods for the quality assurance of thermally treated hardwood. They are to be implemented directly into the production process of Thermowood to increase the resource efficiency and the customer acceptance.
Development and optimization of a parabolic trough solar collector for generation of process heat for industrial processes
Development and optimization of a parabolic trough solar collector for generation of process heat for industrial processes. The operating performance and optimization possibilities of a prototype were evaluated and an improved prototype was tested with respect to its efficiency characteristics as well as in a small-scale application with a realistic load profile.
Development of a GIS-Onlineplatform for the forestry
Development of a GIS-Onlineplatform for the forestry which enables its users to carry out all necessary tasks online: the complete data of forest work can be viewed, changed and newly calculated at any time, including the ability to control machine-use more efficiently right at the beginning of use.
Development of a Performance- and Risk-Management-Concept for Sustainable Supply Chain Networks
The target of this project is to develop a specific performance and risk-management concept for companies in sustainable supply chain networks. By using this concept the involved companies will be able to reduce various risks and have more success with sustainable development.
Development of a comprehensive procedure within the design of high-speed-cutting processes in consideration of environmental protection and occupational health aspects
In the metal working industry high-speed-cutting (HSC) in connection with minimal quantity cooling-lubrication promises a high potential for saving process materials. On the one hand costs of purchase and disposal of metal working fluids (MWF) decrease, on the other hand the reduction of dermal diseases and emissions of MWF-dusts are expected.
Development of a continuous hydrogen-carbon nanofibers production line
With the development of a hydrogen-carbon nanofiber production in a continuous process carbon nanofibers can be produced in an economic way and at the same time access to environmentally friendly hydrogen is enabled.
Development of a holistic valuation of enterprise-activities for sustainability and field test in leading industrial companies - InaBe
The development of a holistic model comprising method and instrument to evaluate ac-tivities from companies in context with sustainable development by integrating objective and subjective view.
Development of a method and an innovative machine for the industrial application of environmentally friendly, mineral oil free lubricants in deep drawing processes
Eliminating the usage of mineral oil based lubricants in deep drawing processes by an innovative machine for clean application of environmentally friendly wax-based forming emulsions.