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There are 199 results.
Reduction of Broke in Paper Production
Development of a measurement and control system that detects paper deformation during production. Thus, broke is reduced, significant savings in energy use are achieved, and the economic efficiency is well increased.
Renewable Biopolymers as Substitution for Bulk Plastics
Biopolymers consist of renewable resources. The concept deals with the development and implementation of technologies in the sector of renewable biodegradable materials.
Repa & Service Mobil
Development/preparation of a mobile repair and service-point and pilot-implementation at large company sites or centres with high customer-frequency. Supporting of sustainable product-services - especially repair-services - in connection with efficient logistical and organisational processes in relation to product-service-systems; reduction of market-barriers and sensitisation of the general public for sustainable consumption.
RepaMobil - Reduction of market barriers for product-service-systems, especially repair- and other household services by setting up central service points at big company sites where a lot of potential customers pass by
Feasibility study / implementation concept for central repair- and service points (mobile or stationary) for repair- and other household services located directly at big company sites; raising the demand for sustainable services by private households.
Reprocessing of used goods - A strategy of sustainability and ist impact on the supply chain of a "factory of tomorrow"
Objective is to improve the competitiveness of reprocessing-activities as strategies towards higher resource productivity.The study will analyse the changes of the supply chain necessary to achieve this beyond the Point of Sale with regard to the re-integration of used goods in the supply chain.
Resource-saving and sustainable production of high-quality steel by enhanced on-line control of stirring efficiency in vacuum degassing (SUSPRISE Joint Call)
For vacuum degassing of liquid steel, as it is used for production of high quality steel grades, an improved on-line monitoring and control system will be developed and applied. Thus the reliability of the vacuum degassing process will be improved, and simultaneously the consumption of energy and resources will be reduced.
SERECARB - SElective REcovery of Calcium CARBonate in paper sludge (SUSPRISE Joint Call)
Developing a new process based on selective recovery of calcium carbonate from paper mill effluents and sludge, purification, conversion into precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) and reuse as filler in paper making.
SKIN - Concept for a product service system in the area of surface treatment
Development of a concept for a product service system (PSS) in the area of surface treatment (varnish, laquer, paint). Instead of selling varnish and pain, the service of surface treatment (per square meter) should be developed for private and commercial users.
SUMMIT, Sustainable Management Methods Integrating Tool-Kit and Prepare Plus
A individual company and process evaluation defines the tools-mix of sustainable orientated management methods implemented in the companies. The well know in Instrument Prepare will be further developed adding the innovation strategy TRIZ "systematic inventing", making the new Prepare plus instrument.
SUPROMED: Reprocessing and Reuse of Single Use Medical Devices in the Light of Sustainable Development Criteria - Implementation in Austria
In contrast to other countries there is currently no reprocessing and reuse of single use medical devices in Austria. Thus the potential for major ecological and economical savings remains unused. In a stakeholder dialogue, practical implementation strategies were developed to change the trend towards a sustainable value-added chain.
Semi-manual dismantling of small electric and electronic equipment
Improving the tecnology of manual dismantling processes of small electric and electronical appliances, used in social enterprises. Via software modules, developed do analise dismantling processes, from dismantling-factories to dismantling-parks.
Service Systems for Pesticide Application: A Concept for Establishing
Concept development for establishing a service system "plant protection". Clarification of core issues and key factors determining the success of application.
Shutdown factory - Central control and communication system and overall concept for a reduction of energy cost and optimization of resources during the stand-by-mode of industry facilities
Development of solutions to reduce the energy cost during the stand-by-mode of industry facilities. Focus areas: innovative control and communication system for the problem of the shut down and start up, entire concept on energy savings cost during the stand-by-mode, creating awareness concerning the problem in the industry
Solar Assisted Heating Networks
An investigation of the economic and ecological usefulness of coupling two CO2 neutral energy sources; solar installations for multi-family houses, producing standardised systems concepts and planning guidelines.
Solar thermal cooling system consisting of a parabolic trough collector field and a steam jet ejector chiller
A solar thermal cooling system consisting of a parabolic trough collector field and a steam jet ejector chiller has been developed. The necessary components were built and tested and finally put together to get an operating pilot plant at the test facility.
Success strategies for product service systems (PSS)
Development of success oriented planning strategy for Austrian PSS providers based upon an analysis of best practice examples and international systematic PSS development approaches.
Supply Chain Forest-Logistic-Saw as First application of platform of IT/Telematics concepts for resource efficient forestry use in montane forest
A Supply Chain Management concept for sustained use of the mountain forest in collaboration with all the individual participants is to be drawn up. Harvesting and transport from the forest to the mill will be registered and controlled by WEB-GIS technology. A CO2 balance sheet will be prepared and optimization potentials shown in the process. An outline will be made of an integrated job model.
Sustainability Balanced Scorecard
The method Balanced Scorecard was used to build a company-wide management-system which facilitates an easy communication and a focused and controllable implementation of the defined strategies (strategies for the company, business segments and defined areas of knowledge). The aspect of sustainability was strongly emphasized.
Sustainability Management System - Improvement and completion of the SMS by involvement of stakeholders
Comprehensive implementation of the SMS in four Austrian companies with a specific focus on the conceptual development of a companywide stakeholder management. Distribution of the project results through the publication of the praxis hand book "Systemic Sustainable Management"
Sustainability Management System - scorecard-based construction of an operative sustainability management
Implementation of a scorecard-based sustainability management system in four enterprises; adaptation of a web-based software for sustainability management and reporting; preparation of the manual "Sustainability Managing Systems" on the basis of the OIN guidelines "Reporting about Sustainability".