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There are 199 results.
Green Biorefinery - Phase 3: Development of technologies for intensification of process concerning extraction and utilisation of lactic acid, amino acids and gras fibres
Optimisation of downstream processing of a Green Biorefinery for separating lactic acid and amino acids out of silage juice applying chromatography; fundamental test for utilising the fibre fraction for hydro-greening and for horticulture substrate.
Green Biorefinery - Primary Processing and Utilization of Fibres from Green Biomass
Tests on optimisation of the essential process unit mechanical fractionation of the primary raw material "green biomass" into a liquid and a solid - fibres containing - fraction. Furthermore, lab and pilot scale tests with respect to technologies and processes for primary processing of the solid fraction (e.g. technologies for obtaining specified well defined fibre fractions, reduction of odour etc.). Finally, lab and pilot scale tests regarding manufacturing of prototype fibre products (fibreboards and adhesives & fillers for the construction sector) based on specific well defined fibre fractions from green biomass as primary raw material.
Green Biorefinery - Separation of Lactic Acid from Grass Silage Juice (Brown Juice)
Development of a technical process to separate lactic acid from Brown Juice. Lactic acid is a promising chemical commodity which may be produced from silage juice at low costs and in an environmentally friendly way for subsequent synthesis of valuable products.
Green Biorefinery - Separation of Proteins from Grass Juice (Green Juice)
Research and development of the technical process to separate protein from grass juice to gain high-protein concentrate for animal feed by ultra-filtration and other separation technologies.
Highlights of Factory of Tomorrow, presented on
Dissemination of the subprogram Factory of tomorrow's highlights in the field of biopolymer, composites and building material on (Information pool for biological materials). Additional current information about biological materials in articles on-line. Networking of relevant companies with the help of a cooperation forum and a database.
Homeservices by the company of tomorrow
Sustainable services in co-operation with the housing sector will be investigated, their effects on environment, employment, acceptance by consumers, hindrances as well as prerequisites for sustainable facility management and a new positioning of concierge systems analysed.
INNANET - Practice-oriented concept for implementation of industrial sustainability-networks
On the basis of conventional and recycling-oriented supply-chains and/or -networks a concept for the implementation of industrial sustainability networks will be developed. Together with a taskforce which needs to be founded a pilot implementation will be prepared.
INTOKI- Methods and tools for consumers' and stakeholder involvement in the development of sustainable products and services
Supporting SME bakeries in the involvement process of their stakeholders in sustainability oriented product service innovation processes. Development and pilot testing of a dialogue oriented toolkit ("The INNOVATIVE Bakery Dialogue" Handbook).
Identification of services, wood and non-wood products in sustainable forest management
The ecological, economic and social effects of services, wood and non-wood products on sustainable forest management, the marketing potential and the relevance of sustainable measures are analysed.
Immobilization of Lipases on Corn Cob Granulate - New Key Technology for Biodiesel Production
The main objective of the project is to improve the method for producing biodiesel by enzymatic catalysis.The target is to find a method to catalyze the production of fatty acid methyl esters by corn-cob-immobilized lipases which can be used in industrial scale.
Implementation of a cascaded use of stone-fruit residual-mass - Practice-oriented planning for installing a pilot plant for manufacturing marketable products
NAWARO-CASCADING PILOT has investigated professional biocascading strategies for fruit stone utilization (pits from apricots, peaches, cherries and plums) in order to convert them valuable products (novelties like delicacies, cosmetics and technical abrasives) as well as establishing a practice- oriented network.
Improvement of resource efficient use of wood
Modelling of wood processing in order to demonstrate the developments' impacts on performance
Increase in Sales of Vegetable Oils from Austrian Oilseeds by Increase of the Technical Grade with Regard to the Demands of the Varnishing Industry
The cultivation of flax (linseed) in Austria should be enhanced by arrangements to increase the technical grade of linseed oil produced. Austrian agriculture should be enabled to provide raw materials sufficient in batch and technical grade for the Austrian varnishing industry.
Increasing of the resources-efficiency by experimental optimisation of steam production and by reduction of production residues in a metal-processing factory
The project is based on the results of the currently running project "Use of waste heat and renewable energy sources in a metal-processing factory". In this project it was found, that nearly the half of the consumption of natural gas is needed for steam production. Based on calculations already carried out, it is planned to investigate experimentally the possibilities of increasing the resource-efficiency by lowering the steam temperature and by replacing steam by hot water. Further increasing of resource-efficiency shall be achieved by use of internal residues as an additional fuel in a solid fuel furnace.
Information systems for ecological industry clusters - Case study industrial region Mödling (Lower Austria)
Development of a comprehensive, transparent and user-friendly concept of enhanced interlinkage of material and energy flows through increased information exchange and shows the resulting pollution reducing in conjunction with economic benefits for the companies.
Innovative technology for the treatment of municipal and industrial waste water and process waters (INNOWATEC)
Evaluation of a technology as a supporting module for process water and waste water treatment and testing in laboratory and pilot tests for specific fields of application in operational water management.
Instationarity as a limiting factor for the use of industrial waste heat in heating-networks
Industrial waste heat is predominantly instationary. Thus utilisation of industrial waste heat in district heating systems is constrained. A database and an evaluation methodology were developed to support increased utilisation of this heat source.
Insulation material made of cattail
Development of the production technology for cattail insulating materials. Basis study to the feasibility of a serial production.
Integrated Service Models for increased resource-efficiency in the business-to-business sector (INERIWI)
For the major resource intensive commercial sectors the real function of products will be ana-lysed and elaborated how to provide the function of the product without selling it. Based on the present material intensity of the branches the potential reduction of environmental burden by applying such models as well as economic and social implications will be deduced.
Integration of aspects of sustainable investment into the training programme of selected financial service providers
Awareness raising and knowledge transfer by means of information processing and training of financial service providers concerning sustainable investment