Development of a GIS-Onlineplatform for the forestry

Development of a GIS-Onlineplatform for the forestry which enables its users to carry out all necessary tasks online: the complete data of forest work can be viewed, changed and newly calculated at any time, including the ability to control machine-use more efficiently right at the beginning of use.

Short Description




The main aim of our presented project is the development of a complete GIS-Online-platform for the forestry which enables its users to manage their complete necessary data easily and more effectively. Every single user of this new WEB-Information system will get the ability to view, change and calculate the complete data of his forest at any time, thus allowing an up to date management which would not have been possible otherwise yet.

Therefore this new developed application will make work much easier for every single forest company and forest owner. In contrast to all other already available applications our GIS-online platform allows completely new and break-through tasks which make nearly everything for a more effective and easier management possible: for the first time in forestry history it will be possible to calculate the complete economic plan of a forest easily within a few minutes online!

Users will be given access to all their data online, not allowing them to only view their data (like all other available competition applications!) but giving them the new possibilty to change and calculate their data at every single moment they need to. Land register, Reforestation, Use, Damage, Wood storage and Wood transport Data will be completely editable online, allowing every user an effective management of his own forest. Furthermore every user is able to survey and control the cultivation, growth and cutting of the important raw material wood.

Due to the easy and quick management of the complete forest and the fact that different forest owners and forest companions use the same GIS-online platform, it is easier to build forest communities together. These forest communities can strengthen and increase their use and marketing of wood together, thus staying productive and more competitive, especially in disadvantaged regions.

Rough Time Schedule of the Project

October to December 2003 Design of the database, establishment of the necessary development tools
January to March 2004 Begin of database development, definition Work-Flow
April to June 2004 Database programming, Logistic forms
July to September 2004 Database programming, forms (dynamic)
October to December 2004 Completion of the project and error correction

At the end of the project time a complete and correct working GIS-Onlineplatform for the forestry should be ready for action, allowing its users to manage their complete forest easily and to take use of the raw material wood more effectivly.

We are convinced that our presented project will fit well into the entire Project "Nachhaltig wirtschaften" and will surly be a Prime Example for a "Fabrik der Zukunft", as it concerns such important fields as the better use of wood through help of the global technologies GIS and Internet and the development of a new market capable Online-platform for the complete forestry.

Project Partners

Project manager Ing. Hermann Novak
Mirabellplatz 2
A-5020 Salzburg
Tel.: +43 (662) 880362-18
Fax: +43 (662) 880362-20
Project partners Mag. Marius Weinberger
Wolfgang Lehner

Wolfgang Klug Datenbankentwicklung
Wolfgang Klug

Uni Salzburg-ZGIS / Austrian Research Studios-iSPACE
Prof. Dr. Josef Strobl