
There are 339 results.

Terms of use: The pictures on this site originate from the projects in the frame of the programmes City of Tomorrow, Building of Tomorrow and the IEA Research Cooperation. They may be used credited for non-commercial purposes under the Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC).

Change Detection

Change Detection



AR model user view

AR model user view

Overlay of the TGA model

Overlay of the TGA model

Façade office building H2

Façade office building H2

Time series with forcing terms

Time series with forcing terms

Calculated heat sources and sinks for the digital twin

Calculated heat sources and sinks for the digital twin

Setup of a digital twin

Setup of a digital twin

Graphic representation of a digital twin

Graphic representation of a digital twin

Scenario for future, cycle-oriented management of construction waste in Vienna (reference year 2014, material flows in t/a)

Scenario for future, cycle-oriented management of construction waste in Vienna (reference year 2014, material flows in t/a)

Simulation and visualization prototype

Simulation and visualization prototype

Floor and building area potentials (>550 m² floor area) per building block in Vienna.

Floor and building area potentials (>550 m² floor area) per building block in Vienna.

Load shifting potential with EMS

Load shifting potential with EMS

Simulation: failure of the heating circuit pump

Simulation: failure of the heating circuit pump

Schematic representation of M-DAB project goals

Schematic representation of M-DAB project goals

Final workshop ÖKO-OPT-AKTIV

Final workshop ÖKO-OPT-AKTIV

Superordinate structure of the energy hub

Superordinate structure of the energy hub

Multi energy system

Multi energy system

GHG emissions of a Viennese residential building, broken down by energy source and means of transport.

GHG emissions of a Viennese residential building, broken down by energy source and means of transport.

Scenario 2023 for the reduction of GHG emissions for the sample housing construction site in Vienna.

Scenario 2023 for the reduction of GHG emissions for the sample housing construction site in Vienna.