Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Haus der Zukunft

Development of a solid-wood-passivehouse-window

Based on experience with low-energy-windows, a solid wood window is being developed, which meets passivehouse-standards.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Shutdown factory - Central control and communication system and overall concept for a reduction of energy cost and optimization of resources during the stand-by-mode of industry facilities

Development of solutions to reduce the energy cost during the stand-by-mode of industry facilities. Focus areas: innovative control and communication system for the problem of the shut down and start up, entire concept on energy savings cost during the stand-by-mode, creating awareness concerning the problem in the industry

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Decarb Alt Erlaa - Transformation of Alt Erlaa residential park into a climate neutral district

Exploration of a transformation of the Alt Erlaa residential park into a climate neutral district based on systematic potential analyses regarding structural measures, building technology measures and a sociological monitoring of the transformation process. The result of the exploratory study serves as a starting point for implementing the measures in a follow-up project.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

SELF²B - self-aware, self-diagnosing buildings, HVAC, and PV systems for the next generation of energy efficient operations

SELF²B develops and demonstrates an AI-based, self-learning, and self-diagnosing fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) solution for HVAC and PV systems in two buildings in Vienna. The innovation surpasses the current state of the art by combining semantic data, ontologies, and machine learning. The goal is to achieve energy savings and efficiency improvements in building operations and to make the technology widely applicable.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

LehmKur - Rammed earth walls for multi-storey residential buildings

Research of a lighthouse project consisting of rammed earth-timber exterior wall components with accompanying ecological life cycle analysis, building physics simulations and documentation of the necessary logistical, building law, fire and soundproofing measures.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA 4E Annex: Electric Motor Systems. Working period 2008 - 2011

Promotion of energy efficiency of poly-phase electric AC motors and motor systems in relevant applications as pumps, fans, compressors and mechanical drives that are generally used in industry, infrastructure and large buildings. This work also included new technologies such as frequency inverters (adjustable speed drive) and permanent magnet motors.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

LehB:KlimafitDemo2+1 - Living in existing buildings today: climate-friendly renovations in existing buildings within the framework of the common good housing law

The LehB:KlimafitDemo2+1 project examines innovative renovation solutions for the climate-fit modernization of non-profit residential buildings without placing a financial burden on tenants. By implementing a flexible modular system and involving the residents, economic, technical and social aspects of the renovation are optimized. The aim is to make an important contribution to achieving climate neutrality by 2040 through adapted measures and comprehensive monitoring.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Phytozid - Application of tansy extract and its ingredients as insecticides against the codling moth

Extraction of insecticidal active substances in pilot plant scale from tansy for field trials against the economically important pest codling moth (Cydia pomonella) as well as approval procedure in order to develop alternative strategies for naturally based plant protection.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Wood Plastic Composites - Development of an extrusion tool

Development of a new generation extrusion tool for a wood plastic composite. This material will be developed in a second project an should show a fiber content of 60 - 85%. Important is a high profile quality as well as a high output to ensure an economical production.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Wood Plastic Composites

Fabrik der Zukunft

"NAWARO-Peat" - Peat replacement products by regional renewable resources

Possibilities to stop the peat usage in horticulture by using renewable resources and biological wastes which are regional available. Efficient economical as well ecological solutions for the usage of alternatives to peat, development and testing of treatment technologies which are necessary to create such a substrate in laboratory and field scale.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Implementation of a cascaded use of stone-fruit residual-mass - Practice-oriented planning for installing a pilot plant for manufacturing marketable products

NAWARO-CASCADING PILOT has investigated professional biocascading strategies for fruit stone utilization (pits from apricots, peaches, cherries and plums) in order to convert them valuable products (novelties like delicacies, cosmetics and technical abrasives) as well as establishing a practice- oriented network.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Insulation material made of cattail

Development of the production technology for cattail insulating materials. Basis study to the feasibility of a serial production.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Identification of services, wood and non-wood products in sustainable forest management

The ecological, economic and social effects of services, wood and non-wood products on sustainable forest management, the marketing potential and the relevance of sustainable measures are analysed.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Wood Plastic Composites - New property profile by refiner fibres

The mechanical properties and thus the application area of wood plastic composites with a wood content > 60 % shall be explicit increased by means of long wood fibres. The realization of a technological direct feeding system in extrusion process will enable an innovation jump of this wood like material.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Maize Cob Board (MCB) - Light weight material from agricultural by-products

Maize cobs accrue as an agricultural by-product can be used for a core material of light weight panels with good material properties and insulation characteristics. The aim was to work out a concept for the production and optimisation of material properties.

Fabrik der Zukunft

PSS-ÖB - Strategies to deal with barriers to the implementation of ecoefficient Product-Service-Systems in Public Procurement

Analysis of factors that support or hinder the implementation of Product-Service-Systems in public procurement, development of strategies to overcome those obstacles and investiga-tion and documentation of available Good-Practice-Examples.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Natural Dyes for the Textile Industry

New cooperations between agriculture und industry are necessary to ensure the utilization of renewable materials. The project´s focus is upon natural dyes and their application in textile industry. The goal of the project is to create a contact institution which connects various suppliers of diverse plant materials, takes on the processing, and standardising of the natural dyes, and makes a product that can be used by the industry.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Characterisation of material parameters as basis for innovative processing methods and products made of large dimensioned wood aiming at economically sustainable use of Austrian timber resources "XXL-Wood"

Facing the problem of decreasing demand for large dimensioned timber, investigations are carried out concerning certain properties like strength and fibre characteristics. Due to the data it is possible to create a model about the variability of special properties of a stem. Based on the model new concepts for optimised processing and products will be developed.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA DSM Task 17: Integration of Demand Side Management, Distributed Generation, Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Storages

The main objective of the proposed Task is to study how to achieve the optimal integration of distributed generation, energy storages and flexible demand, and thus increase the value of distributed generation and demand response and decrease problems caused by intermittent distributed generation (mainly based on RES) in the physical electricity systems and at the electricity market. The Task deals with distributed energy resources both at local (distribution network and customer) level and at transmission system level where large wind farms are connected.