IEA IETS Task 23: Drivers and Barriers for the Transformation of Industrial Energy, Technologies and Systems (Working period 2024 - 2025)
Short Description
Industry plays a crucial role in the context of global greenhouse gas reduction. This challenge must be considered not only at the sector level, but also across sectors and in the interplay of many competencies and scientific disciplines in order to achieve a profound transformation and decarbonization.
In the new task "Barriers and Drivers for the Transformation of Industrial Energy, Technologies and Systems" and the current subtask 1 "Preparation and definition phase", the following objectives are pursued in close cooperation with initiatives such as the "Mission Innovation Net-zero industries mission":
- Discussion, analysis & exchange on the necessity of technology-independent cross-cutting measures
- Deriving the relevance of organizing new approaches, promoting collaboration between different stakeholders and system thinking
- Improving the economic and ecological performance of energy- and GHG-intensive industries
The following measures should contribute to this:
- Intensive knowledge exchange through collaboration between stakeholders from industry, research and politics
- Incorporation of experiences and approaches from industrial projects and scientific studies
- Analysis of the planning, implementation and operation phases of industrial decarbonization projects
The Austrian consortium is involved in the international task, among other things, through the role of the operating agent (task & subtask lead in cooperation with CIT Renergy AB, Gothenburg, SWE). This will make a significant contribution to the organization and implementation of the international work program. Furthermore, the following content will be contributed to international subtask 1:
- Analysis and preparation of (inter)national projects with Austrian research participation, including the identification of drivers, barriers and solutions for the implementation of the transformation in the industrial sector, e.g. for innovative demo plants, carbon capture and utilization, electrification and renewable gases, automation and energy efficiency in (energy-intensive) industry.
- Definition of the stakeholders involved (e.g. industrial companies, plant manufacturers, automation experts, project planners, energy suppliers & legislators) and analysis of their respective roles.
- Design, preparation, implementation, participation & follow-up of 3 workshops with representatives of participating institutions in the task and other initiatives with which it is cooperating.
This work is intended to lay the foundation for future subtasks in Task 23 (2026+).
The results, in particular those of the workshops, will be prepared for participants and interested target groups. In addition, the findings shall be integrated into NEFI formats such as NEFI Technology Talks.
Austria (Operating Agent), Denmark, Sweden (Co-Lead), further participants (incl. members Mission Innovation – Net Zero Industries Mission) to be announced
Contact Address
Sophie Knöttner
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Giefinggasse 4, 1210 Wien
Bernhard Gahleitner
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Giefinggasse 4, 1210 Wien