Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Fair market conditions for virtual power plants

Analysis of technical, economical and regulatory conditions to get fair terms under competition in the liberalised market for virtual power plants on renewable energy basis.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Integration of renewable energy sources for district heating in cities

Portfolio of technologies and action plan for the integration of renewable energy sources for district heating in cities and for enhancing the total efficiency of the supply chain from energy input to energy service.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Energy-self-sufficient district Güssing

Development of a concept that shows the possibility of changing the energy supply of a district from fossil to 100% renewable energy carrier

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Production of bioethanol in addition with heat, power and valuable byproducts

The production of bioethanol in Bruck/Leitha in addition to the production of heat, power and valuable by-products from biomass will be optimized by a new process simulation tool under the target of maximum usage of waste and low temperature heat and optimal source and product usage.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Virtual power plants for self-sustaining regions

Geographic methods for the combination of renewable energy sources to create "virtual power plants" and development of self-sustaining regions in terms of energy-balance and the Kyoto target.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Presentation of the effective use of innovative bioenergy technologies in the Austrian energy system of the future (BioEff)

The study shows possibilities and strategies for the effective use of innovative bioenergy technologies in Austria.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

SUPOSS - Sustainable Power Supply for Supermarkets and Surroundings

Developing technical and business concepts and strategies for a sustainable power supply of supermarkets and local consumers - supply of heat, electric power and cooling energy on the basis of solar energy and solid biomass.