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Haus der Zukunft

HEROES - Houses for Energy- and ResOurce Efficient Settlements

A simplified method will be developed for the calculation of environ­mental indicators for so far not considered building elements (eg. constructions, which are not thermally relevant and HVAC-components). The theoretical principles for the calculation of the primary energy demand and the CO2-Emissions for operating and raising a building will be harmonized.

Haus der Zukunft

HOTSPOTS - Holistic thermographic screening of urban physical objects at transient scales

HOTSPOTS enables new insights and perspectives for city development. According to the project idea innovations in acquisition and sensing as well as densification of geo-referenced city related data are supple­mented by novel processing chains in city data analytics. Driven by an integrated scientific approach we develop a novel method in the selec­tion, evaluation and prioritization of infrastructural city development measures which is directly derived from sensed data hence reducing the risk of ad-hoc decisions or lack in impact.

Stadt der Zukunft

HPZ-Walls - High-performance exterior brick walls without additional thermal insulation

Sustainable multi-storey housing made of bricks can only be realised if the strength of thermally optimised vertical coring bricks is tripled. This is to be achieved by changing the hole pattern, namely by reducing the air gap from 8 to 4 mm. A success of the project will form the basis for the realisation of insulation-free, 8-storey residential and office buildings in brick construction.

Haus der Zukunft

HY3GEN - A Regenerative Building

The "third generation hybrid building" (HY3GEN), whose main features are being defined in this project, has expanded this approach to include the integration of aspects of efficient resource utilization in construction and operation as well as the use of regenerative raw materials and renewable energy.

Stadt der Zukunft

Heat Harvest - Harvest of urban solar excess heat from buildings and surfaces to avoid summer overheating in cities

"Harvest" of solar urban excess heat from building surfaces, sidewalks, streets and squares to avoid urban heat islands by lying flat absorber pipes, which are then fed into geothermal probe storage tanks for later use as a source for heating buildings.

Stadt der Zukunft

Hook-and-Loop fastener application for the technical building equipment

The aim of this exploration study is to explore a possible systematic change that will allow for a more universal application of Hook-and-Loop (or similar) fasteners in the construction industry, especially in building installation phase.

Stadt der Zukunft

HotCity - Gamification as a possibility to generate data for energy-oriented neighbourhood planning

The aim of the project was a functional test to determine whether an up-to-date data set of energy-oriented data can be collected for neighbourhood planning through gamification, cost-efficiently, quickly and reliably. This had been determined using the example of the potential determination of industrial and commercial waste heat sources in Vienna and Graz.

Stadt der Zukunft

Housing 4.0 - digital platform for affordable living

The main aim of this project is the development of an integrated framework for the digital platform "Housing 4.0"; thus supporting integrated planning and project delivery through coupling various digital tools and databases. Thereby, the potentials of BIM for modular, off-site housing assembly in order to improve planning and construction processes, reduce cost and construction time and allow for mass customization will be explored. The novel approach in this project is user-involvement; which has been neglected in recent national and international projects on off-site, modular construction, supported by digital technologies.

Haus der Zukunft

IDsolutions - Solutions for the refurbishment within existing building stock with interior insulation

The refurbishment of existing building stock demands solutions within single units. Interior insulation is a suitable technology. The challenge is to bring multiple demands and requirements together to create optimal solutions. Therefore it's necessary to arrange individual system components to form working model refurbishment solutions. The development of such solutions is the aim of the project. Not only durability and quality is to be ensured, but also user acceptance. Increasing the rate of refurbishments is the overall aim of the project.

Haus der Zukunft

IEA SHC Task 37: Advanced Housing Renovation with Solar & Conservation

Development of advanced renovation concepts for residential buildings. For the housing segments with the greatest energy saving potentials strategies for increased market penetration of advanced housing renovation are investigated. Analysing outstanding renovation projects shall lead to technically and economically robust and sustainable concepts for housing renovation.

Haus der Zukunft


Guidelines for a sustainable real estate rating of residental buildings

Stadt der Zukunft

INN'FIT4UM - Innsbruck "Fit4UrbanMission" - climate neutral Innsbruck 2030

Cities are the place where decarbonization strategies for energy, transport and buildings intersect. A few years ago, the municipality of Innsbruck set up a Smart City Group consisting of staff from the municipality, IIG, IKB and IVB to address this challenge. The goal of INN'F4UM is to develop a step-by-step plan to achieve climate neutrality for the city by 2030, building on an up-to-date representation of energy and resource flows together with the University of Innsbruck.

Stadt der Zukunft

INNERGY - Real laboratory in the central Inn-valley for climate-neutral semi-urban areas

Sustainable energy supply solutions for existing quarters and industry had been surveyed holistically and cross-sectorally in a small-structured area, consequently pilot projects had been elaborated with the aim to build up a climate-neutral region.

Stadt der Zukunft

INReS - Integration of sustainable stormwater management tools into planning execution and management software (BIM)

Exploration to prepare and evaluate the applicability of an interactive web application to recommend appropriate stormwater management measures for existing and new buildings that allows for (1) BIM compatibility for object-based implementation and (2) simplified application in the form of the stormwater toolbox.

Haus der Zukunft

IQ - focal point on information and networking in the field of energy efficient districts

Energy aspects on land use planning were worked up on the basis of research and demonstration projects in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. The target groups from administration, politics, architecture as well as developers and future dwellers were addressed with custom-made events.

Stadt der Zukunft

Ice-storage NEW - New economical ice storage concept for optimized heat storage using heat pumps and peak use of wind power

Development of a technically and economically optimized new ice-storage concept as a thermal wind power peak storage and to improve the performance of heat pumps as a contribution for peak smoothing of the electrical load profile.

Haus der Zukunft

Increase of in-house consumption by building clusters and active storages (Eigenlast Cluster)

The project involved the evaluation of the significance of new appro­aches for the increase of in-house consumption of solar energy (electric energy and heat) of buildings in Großschönau, which are already equip­ped for such measurements. The existing municipal buildings, commercial buildings and households are aggregated to form virtual building clusters. Subsequently, the clusters were analyzed according to their in-house consumption with and without the usage of batteries and H2 storages. The economic analysis of this concept derives from a regional implementation plan for further industrial re­search.

Stadt der Zukunft

Indicators for urban areas – for construction, operation and mobility in climate-friendly areas

Development and coordination of indicators for energy and ecological evaluations of urban areas based on the Swiss 2000-Watt certification system. The results will be used for the development of a quality assurance system for urban areas similar to the klimaaktiv declaration for buildings and the e5 certification for communities.

Haus der Zukunft

InnoGOK – Investigation of the energetic and ecological usability of solar radiation on urban spaces and paths

Examination of the suitability of street space or other paved or not paved surfaces in urban areas for promoting renewable heat from solar radiation. Thus offers a high potential for increasing energy efficiency and conserving resources in urban contexts. Besides, the dissipation of heat from large solar-heated surfaces promises to prevent urban heat islands.

Haus der Zukunft

Innovation & Cost efficiency: Building standards for multi family residential buildings at optimal cost (Inno-Cost)

In this project, innovative building standards were examined concerning their economical aspects through the life cycle of a building. By means of life cycle-costs for 40-50 multi family lowest energy and passive house residential buildings on actual data from the day-to-day operation, reliable data and know-how was compiled for the first time, which is to support further market penetration of innovative building standards in the field of multi family residential buildings.