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There are 497 results.
Catalogue of Passivhouse Details for Refurbishments
A Catalogue of Passivhouse Details for Refurbishments for buildings of all building periods from the 1870 to the 1980s. Special consideration to the refurbishment of building parts in contact with the earth. Integration of controlled ventilation services. Construction elements description with drawings, building physical data and ecological life cycle assessment. This project aimed at contributing to "Replicable refurbishment concepts for meeting passive house (or comparable) standard in buildings of all building periods".
CellPor - cellulose polymerized - new methods for the processing of a polymer-cellulose-foam according to ecological criteria in construction
The development of a spray applicable cellulose composite as insulating material on the basis of renewable resources, combined by the development of a prototype for the spray-on technology for processing the new, water free cellulose composite are the demanding challenges of this project.
Certified passive attic conversion of a typical building from the period around 1900
Conversion of an attic of a typical building from the period about 1900 to a passive attic with photovoltaic system and renovation of the existing building equipment. The aim is to keep the additional construction costs under 10 %, to avoid overheating in summer and to make possible a reproduction for the large amount of buildings from the same period.
CiQuSo - City Quarters with optimised solar hybrid heating and cooling systems
The project CiQuSo aimed to develop, evaluate and optimize concepts for solar energy systems to provide energy for buildings and cities. The applicability of the developed methods and concepts were shown as an example at Itzling, a part of Salzburg city.
City Dialog - Evaluation of future research topics for the "city of the future" through stakeholder dialog.
The integration of key stakeholder views allowed an extensive evaluation and prioritisation of research topics for the "city of the future". The discussion had been organised in workshops with stakeholder groups (public administration, science & research, residents).
CityCalc - Calculation Tool for Energy-Efficiency in Urban Planning
To assess the energy performance of urban planning projects in early design stages with low input and evaluation effort within the project CityCalc, an easily applicable planning and evaluation tool has been developed.
CityStore - Sondierung des wesentlichen F&E-Bedarfs zur Optimierung von städtischen Energiespeichern in integrierten Energiesystemen
CityStore pursues a first-of-its-kind, innovative approach on spatial location of storage needs and potentials. This includes the evaluation of concrete challenges and prerequisites as well as the identification of useful storage technologies and capacities. Model calculations for the model cities Graz and Weiz will be carried out. If, and to which extent, the results can be generalized will be investigated in the Follower Region South Burgenland. The results should enable optimized planning and realization of urban energy storage facilities – thereby enabling targeted investments in energy infrastructure to achieve (local) climate and energy targets.
Clay - Passiv Office-Building Tattendorf
The motivation for developing the project "Clay Passiv Office-Building Tattendorf" was the dissatisfaction with the situation of a great difference in the state of technology in three fields relevant to the research project: 1) sustainable production of energy , 2) sustainable energy conservation technologies and 3) use of sustainable building materials.
Climate Hub Vienna - Concept development and preparation of an innovation laboratory to accelerate Vienna’s path to climate neutrality
Preparation of an urban innovation laboratory to support decarbonisation in Vienna by 2040. The focus is on systemic innovation and accelerated roll-out of RTI projects through infrastructure, services, networking and the systematic involvement of city administration and users. The innovation lab is intended to strengthen the effectiveness of innovations and the participation of the Viennese in the transformation.
Climate neutral buildings from the period of promoterism - ways, potentials and possibilities of implementation
The focus was on the goal-oriented and economic options, in order to achieve a CO2-neutral energy supply and hermetically sealed building envelope as well as to show high energy efficiency when using. On the other hand building protection regulations and the quality in use are to be considered.
Climate protection in Schools: a prototype for targeted oriented knowledge transfer for students on the basis of energy efficient buildings
The saying "Was Hänschen nicht lernt, lernt Hans nimmermehr." which can be translated with the English saying "You can´t teach an old dog new tricks." especially applies to the issue of "climate protection" in general. Therefore children must be made aware of the importance of the subject from the beginning on in order to live their life efficiently and environmentally friendly. Based on a research and on an evaluation of existing teaching materials teachers and students will develop, how students understand the topic "climate protection" with a focus on "building and living in the future" the easiest way.
CombiSol: solar combisystems for houses, state-of-the-art and potentials for improvements
Evaluation of the quality and efficiency of state-of-the-art installed solar combisystems, potentials for improvements and measures to increase the quality
Comfort and cost optimised air guiding concept for energy efficient housing
Ventilation systems for dwellings can be more efficient in terms of cost and energy, if the air guiding concept with cascade principle (overflow of air from sleeping rooms into living room). In this project, the planning principles had been developed and published in practice guidelines.
Comfort ventilation plus+: First time development of high efficient comfort ventilation systems that enable demand-control of room-wise airflow for new buildings and refurbishment
First time development of innovative components for comfort ventilation systems used in new buildings and renovation that enable demand-control of air flow room-wise. The outcome is a considerable reduction of the primary energy balance and a sustainable solution of problems concerning the discrepance between satisfying humidity and very good indoor air quality within the heating period.
Comparative analysis and evaluation of innovative building concept models in terms of key ecological and economic figures during life cycle of individual building concepts
The aim of this research project was to subject a number of building concept models to a comprehensive comparative analysis and evaluation in terms of key ecological and economic figures.
Competition for prefabricated house producers to design types of attached houses
A competition for the builders of prefabricated houses provided new design-types of attached houses. The results have been awarded and published to encourage the participants to enter this segment of the market.
Connection of innovative strategies and technologies to a holistic, resources-friendly plus energy building (FUTUREbase)
On the basis of a construction project in Giefinggasse 4 in Vienna the combination of new, innovative strategies and technologies to an integrated, resources conserving plus energy building with high signaling and multiplication effect had been tested for feasibility. A regional, energetical bond between the buildings TECHbase, ENERGYbase and the Klima-Windkanal had been developed.
Construction Site SCHOOL - Sustainable Models for the Refurbishment of School Buildings?
In this research project, models for refurbishment and restructuring of school buildings were developed. The reconstruction concepts contain lists of measures for deploying sustainable building techniques and exemplary case studies for the reorganisation of buildings of different typologies.
Cool Windows - Windows with shading optimising the trade-off between summery overheating, wintery heat protection and adequate illumination
Windows with their associated components such as sun and glare protection are optimised as a holistic building equipment unit regarding different seasonal requirements in light of the climate crisis. The results serve as a basis for new developments in the window and shading technology in order to provide summery and wintery heat protection as well as adequate natural illumination over the year.
CoolAIR - Predictive control of natural nighttime ventilation and daylight-optimized shading for passive building cooling
Natural nighttime ventilation and daylight-optimized shadowing are high potential approaches to efficiently and economical cool buildings. Nevertheless, the full potential cannot be acquired, since, if at all, such behavior is manually initiated by users. Goal of this project is the development of an automated, self-learning system that can assess the full cooling capabilities and establish an alternative to conventional air conditioning systems.