
There are 229 results.

Terms of use: The pictures on this site originate from the projects in the frame of the programmes City of Tomorrow, Building of Tomorrow and the IEA Research Cooperation. They may be used credited for non-commercial purposes under the Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC).

Air electrodes and characterisation

Air electrodes and characterisation

Carbon supported PdNiBi catalysts

Carbon supported PdNiBi catalysts

Start-up und Shutdown of PEFCs

Start-up und Shutdown of PEFCs

AMF Task 63: National networking workshop

AMF Task 63: National networking workshop

AMF Task 63: Development of SAF in Austria

AMF Task 63: Development of SAF in Austria

TCO of the various drive technologies compared

TCO of the various drive technologies compared

E-truck on country road

E-truck on country road

Business models

Business models

Project Overview

Project Overview

Composite Curves for an Example Case

Composite Curves for an Example Case

Steam boiler and Heat Pump

Steam boiler and Heat Pump

Integration of PECTA within the 4E technology program

Integration of PECTA within the 4E technology program

PECTA's communication and networking strategy

PECTA's communication and networking strategy



R&D Map

R&D Map

Visualisation of TCPs

Visualisation of TCPs

Austrian Activities Worldwide

Austrian Activities Worldwide

Illustration of the "Roadmap on Digitalization" that was developed in the Annex.

Illustration of the "Roadmap on Digitalization" that was developed in the Annex.

Speakers at the Energy.Future.Industry conference in Gothenburg

Speakers at the Energy.Future.Industry conference in Gothenburg

Membrane tests for the analysis of surface properties

Membrane tests for the analysis of surface properties