
There are 16 results.

Terms of use: The pictures on this site originate from the projects in the frame of the programmes City of Tomorrow, Building of Tomorrow and the IEA Research Cooperation. They may be used credited for non-commercial purposes under the Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC).

SIRFN member institutions 2024

SIRFN member institutions 2024

Validation environment for the SVP EN 50549-10 test scripts at AIT

Validation environment for the SVP EN 50549-10 test scripts at AIT

Organisation of the SIRFN network and technical topics in the project period 2021-2023

Organisation of the SIRFN network and technical topics in the project period 2021-2023

SIRFN-AIT Workshops "Grid-forming converters - testing and validation challenges" - March 2024

SIRFN-AIT Workshops "Grid-forming converters - testing and validation challenges" - March 2024

Example of solar shading of a public walkway in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Example of solar shading of a public walkway in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Example of Façade-integrated Shading - Masdar City, United Arab Emirates

Example of Façade-integrated Shading - Masdar City, United Arab Emirates

Example of a green façade on a Viennese Apartment Building

Example of a green façade on a Viennese Apartment Building

Definition of Resilience

Definition of Resilience

Scope of Resilience Definition

Scope of Resilience Definition

SIRFN focus area Advanced Laboratory Testing Methods

SIRFN focus area Advanced Laboratory Testing Methods

SIRFN Focus Area: DER testing protocols

SIRFN Focus Area: DER testing protocols

SIRFN Focus Area Power System Testing

SIRFN Focus Area Power System Testing

SIRFN Partnerships and Stakeholders

SIRFN Partnerships and Stakeholders

Campus of the Johannes-Kepler university in Linz

Campus of the Johannes-Kepler university in Linz

Process scheme for integrated Energy Master Planning that leads to a Resilient Energy System

Process scheme for integrated Energy Master Planning that leads to a Resilient Energy System

Aerial view case study Gleisdorf

Aerial view case study Gleisdorf