Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Stadt der Zukunft

see-it - Camera based, user centric daylight control system for optimized working conditions

In the project technologies in the field of building construction and building automation are being researched for quality and performance improvements in the workplace. The aim is to individualize the control of sun protection to the people who need to be protected from glare and overheating and hope to see through.

Stadt der Zukunft

Sani60ies - Demonstration of minimally invasive thermal and energetic refurbishment of classic 1950s and 1960s apartment buildings

System development of a façade-integrated building component activation for "warm" refurbishments with high transfer potential to buildings of classic apartment complexes from the 1950s and 1960s. The system is being tested and further developed based on three building projects and demonstrated through broad application (over 200 flats).

Stadt der Zukunft

LOW TECH innovation-lab - real laboratory for the transformation to climate and resource-saving energy regions with innovative LOW TECH solutions

LOW TECH innovation-lab aims to set up an innovation laboratory in which innovative model solutions are developed, tested and widely rolled out in cooperation with suitable pilot regions on the basis of an optimized approach with regard to the use of technology on the one hand and the potential of the circular economy, local environmental resources and social innovations on the other.

Haus der Zukunft

AR-HES-B – Energy storage, production and recovery of valuable substances in wastewater treatment plants

AR-HES-B develops technologically based concepts of municipal wastewater treatment plants in order to convert them from energy consumers into a hybrid energy provider, energy storage and a provider of resources. The concept enables wastewater plants to turn into an important platform in the regional energy and mass transfer.

Haus der Zukunft

URSOLAR - Optimization of SOLAR energy usage in URban energy systems

URSOLAR provides decision makers with a roadmap for the integrated use of solar energy in urban environments. The roadmap shows, how photovoltaics- and solar-thermal installations can be used in an ecological, economical and socially optimal way whilst considering legal requirements as well as infrastructural conditions in typical city quartiers and stakeholder interests.

Haus der Zukunft

OPEN HEAT GRID - Open Heat Grids in urban hybrid systems

The primary research topic of OPEN HEAT GRID was to investigate the possibilities of enforcing the feed-in of industrial waste heat into existing district heating networks. The project results show that excess heat is not for free: despite minimal variable costs, the investment costs need to satisfy usual payback periods. The analysis shows that there is no need for a regulation in the sense of a feed-in obligation or market liberalization. However, from an economic point of view, information asymmetries exist, which may lead to irrational decisions.

Stadt der Zukunft

The Box - Thermal High Performance Decoupling - Next Generation Thermal Break Technology

The project pursues the overall strategic objective "solution of the problem-inducing heat bridge". For this purpose, the thermal bridging losses should be reduced by the factor of 15 in contrast to the state of the art. The significant increase in efficiency should rely on existing system solutions, but incorporating a new holistic view in terms of construction, geometry and materials.

Stadt der Zukunft

OttoWagner-ArealPlus - Feasibility study for a certified plus-energy-district-renovation of the listed Otto-Wagner-Area

Development of an innovative concept for the transformation of the Viennese Otto-Wagner-Area into a plus-energy-quartier while meeting requirements of cultural heritage management. The historic architectural jewel covers an area of ​​around 50 hectares, consists of 70 buildings and a gross floor area of ​​around 200,000 m². The solution meets highest energy efficiency standards and comfort requirements.

Stadt der Zukunft

Plus-Energy-Campus - Energy-flexible Positive Energy District with "Living Lab"

The project explored paths to a sustainable, future-proof Positive Energy-District (PED) in the area surrounding the location of the University of Applied Sciences Vienna (FH-Technikum Wien). The feasibility of a new university building as a Plus-Energy teaching building had been examined in detail to prepare its implementation. Central innovation contents are the energetic flexibilization of the new building and the quarter as well as the conception of the Plus-Energy building as a "Living Lab".

Stadt der Zukunft

Energy2POG - Hybrid Energy Cluster Pogusch - Renewable energies and cost-efficient operation

The aim of the project was the design, optimisation and demonstration of a hybrid energy supply system as well as optimised material flows for a restaurant and hotel business in an exposed location. The concept allows the integration of material flows into the heat and energy supply system.

Haus der Zukunft

Site certificate

Possibilities and requirements of transferring the Swiss “2000-Watt Site” certificate to Austria

Haus der Zukunft

PV4residents – Innovative Finance Service and Business Model for PV Power Plants of Multiple Dwellings with On-site Use of Electricity

The aim is to develop a business model, which enables a stronger penetration of PV plants on multiple dwellings with self-consumption of produced electricity by the residents. Involvement of the municipality allows to deliver surplus electricity for their needs. Basis of the business model is an analysis of the technical, legal, administrative, user related and economic barriers with participation of stakeholders and to identify best practice solutions.

Stadt der Zukunft

DiCYCLE - Reconsidering digital deconstruction, reuse and recycle processes using BIM and Blockchain

DiCYCLE aims at identifying, analysing and mapping current End-of-Life processes in the building industry, as well as optimizing those for digitalization, using BIM, Blockchain and Smart Contracts. The goal is to enable sustainable digital planning, construction and deconstruction workflows for reuse and recycling of building materials and components along the life cycle.

Stadt der Zukunft

ecoRegeneration: Development of a "Merit-Order" in order to assess regeneration heat for geothermal probes within urban residential neighbourhoods

In urban residential areas there are not enough active-cooled usages, to use the waste heat of the cooling process as required regeneration heat for geothermal probes; free cooling of the apartments is not sufficient. The project is developing various options (waste heat from commercial uses in the ground floor zones of residential buildings, by using waste heat of data centres, additional installation of heat generation systems for regeneration) within the urban settlement area, business models and is calculating life-cycle-costs of all solutions. The result should be a kind of "merit order" for regeneration heat.

Stadt der Zukunft

Villab – Exploration of a Villach innovation laboratory for the cooperative development of sustainable neighbourhoods

The "Villab - Probe" project serves to check the feasibility of an urban innovation laboratory to accelerate the transformation of Villach districts towards climate neutrality. Assuming positive feasibility, the cooperation with relevant stakeholders will be deepened and a business plan drawn up for a future innovation laboratory.

Stadt der Zukunft

GreenTech-Renovation - Energetic Renovation of Glass Buildings of Architectural Value

The focus of the GreenTech-Renovation project was to find innovative solutions for the energetic renovation of architecturally valuable buildings with a high proportion of glass. A future-oriented building physics concept that includes the use of alternative forms of energy had been developed for this purpose. With ecological and social commitment, an intelligent usage concept could strengthen the energetic renovation concepts and guarantee their sustainability. The 10-Rs of the circular economy (Refuse, Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Refurbish, Remanufacture, Repurpose, Recycle, Recover) will serve as a guideline.

Stadt der Zukunft

Smart Pölten 2.0 Holistic view on a Vertical Farm in preparation for a demonstration project for the city of St. Pölten

The city of St. Pölten forsees great potential in Vertical Farming with regard to the objectives related to the concept of the Smart City program - linking local food production, quality of life by reducing resource consumption. This has to be evaluated by combining Vertical Farms with existing living buildings. Eco-social and socio-economic considerations play an important role in this process.

Stadt der Zukunft

Cooperative Living Volkersdorf (KooWo - Volkersdorf) - sufficiency, space and energy efficiency in the quarter

The jointly planned demonstration project "KooWo" in Volkersdorf aims at reaching sufficiency as well as energy and CO2 reductions in a holistic way. System boundaries are shifted in order not to look only at energy consumption in buildings, relating to unit of floor space, but to consider all use of resources and relating it to persons and social communities.

Stadt der Zukunft

Digitalization in Urban Planning: From Spatial Energy Planning to Digitalization in Construction Engineering (PBM_integrativ)

The project provides a comprehensive overview of conditions and interrelations between administration, economy and planning and to elaborate the most important features and deficits in the flow of relevant information between the different phases of a building’s life cycle - planning, construction and management/administration.

Stadt der Zukunft

Anergy2Plus - Demonstration and expansion of an anergy network as part of a holistic energy concept and plus energy quarter

The overall objective of the project is to pursue and demonstrate a holistic approach to the design, construction and ultimately the use of the residential quarter in the context of energy supply. Especially in the area of thermal energy supply, a project with lighthouse character on the way to a plus-energy quarter is to be created by demonstrating the innovative supply concept based on an anergy network.