Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Stadt der Zukunft

FiTNeS - Facade integrated modular Split-heat pump for new buildings and refurbishment

The goal of FitNeS was the development of modular split heat pumps with compact and silent façade-integrated outdoor units for heating and domestic hot water preparation (and optionally cooling in combination with PV). The outstanding features of the concept are a modular design with a high degree of prefabrication and representing a visually and architectonically attractive, economic and sustainable solution for both new constructions and renovations. One of the main development goals is the minimization of sound emissions by means of optimized flow control.

Stadt der Zukunft


The integration of heat pumps can increase the cost effectiveness of existing heating networks and counter the high costs for the expansion of power grids at the same time. Aim of the project is to develop innovative business models for small and medium municipal heating networks with focus on synergies between heat and power market. Main focus is a heat pump pooling for several heat grids.

Stadt der Zukunft

Eco.District.Heat - Potentials and restrictions of grid-bound heating systems of urban areas

Aim of the project Eco.District.Heat is to provide strategic decision-making support that enables Austrian towns and cities to deal with aspects of grid-bound heating (and cooling) systems in accordance with integrated spatial and energy planning from a holistic perspective when elaborating urban energy concepts.

Stadt der Zukunft

Photonic Cooling – Efficient cooling of buildings through the use of photonic

Within the scope of the project a photonic cooling approach was investigated and evaluated in terms of feasibility and cost efficiency for building applications. In particular cost-efficient photonic surfaces and concepts were investigated which need to have a high reflectivity in of the incident solar radiation (>97%) and a high emission coefficient within the spectral range of 8 – 13 micrometer in order to enable the emission of heat into the sky.

Stadt der Zukunft

Cooling LEC - Energy-flexible buildings by controlling cooling systems via unidirectional communication in local energy communities

As a result of climate change and the rise in temperature, especially due to the increase in active cooling systems, especially at low-voltage level, new challenges are being posed to the electricity system (in particular to the distribution network). Due to the high electrical input of active cooling units and the high density of plants, which are sometimes operated uncoordinated and at unfavorable times, leads to peak consumption in the system. The project Cooling LEC therefore has as its overall objective the development and demonstration of a central control / intelligence of decentralized active cooling systems by further developing the unidirectional communication of ripple control systems to create energy-flexible buildings in the sense of the new approach of "Local Energy Communities" by creating a "special tariff". Ripple control systems have been established for many decades and are available and proven by all energy suppliers. The upscaling potential is very big.

Stadt der Zukunft

PowerShade - Development of electricity-generating shading solutions for energy-flexible buildings in urban space

The main goal of the cooperative R&D project "PowerShade" is the development of low-cost and universally usable electricity-generating shading solutions for energy-flexible buildings in urban space.