Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"


RE-FORM earth - Earth Building for Building Sector Transformation

In order to promote the use of earth, the RE-FORM earth project is creating a planning basis for the construction of structures and buildings containing earth. In order to counter uncertainties regarding the health effects of earth building materials, a comprehensive program is being carried out to investigate radiation exposure and potential pollutants in earth. By erecting a temperature-controlled rammed earth wall in a test room with subsequent measurements, the aim is to determine the extent to which the material can contribute to healthy indoor air due to its moisture-regulating properties and help to balance out energy peaks.


BuildReUse ‐ 100 percent re‐use and recycling in buildings with short usage cycles

Some buildings, such as supermarkets or office buildings, are often demolished and rebuilt after a few years or at least have their interiors changed, turning large quantities of building components into waste. The BuildReUse project aims to develop circular economy concepts for these buildings and to promote the necessary change in the construction industry.


CircularBioMat – Recyclable biogenic materials for building installations and supply equipment

As part of CircularBioMat, numerous bio‐based materials – including bio‐polymers reinforced with natural fibers as well as recycled materials – are being tested for their suitability as a replacement for the petroleum‐based polymers that dominate technical building installations (TGA) and supply equipment.


Earth movement: Clay - a climate- and resource-friendly building material

Manufacturing processes and transport of building materials are energy-intensive and cause high CO2emissions. In addition, many building materials pose a health and disposal problem due to their content of disruptive and harmful substances. Locally available clay can replace conventional materials if appropriately prepared and processed, and helps to save both manufacturing processes and transport routes.