Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Klimaneutrale Stadt

LehB:KlimafitDemo2+1 - Living in existing buildings today: climate-friendly renovations in existing buildings within the framework of the common good housing law

The LehB:KlimafitDemo2+1 project examines innovative renovation solutions for the climate-fit modernization of non-profit residential buildings without placing a financial burden on tenants. By implementing a flexible modular system and involving the residents, economic, technical and social aspects of the renovation are optimized. The aim is to make an important contribution to achieving climate neutrality by 2040 through adapted measures and comprehensive monitoring.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

ELEMENTS - Development of a procedure for the evaluation of elements of the post-war building stock (1960 - 1979) in Graz, Austria

Investigation of the building stock constructed in Graz between 1960 and 1980 with the aim of creating the basis for developing a potential analysis procedure regarding its preservation and refurbishment. Stakeholders, including those from the fields of planning and building practice, will be involved in the development of the results.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Tariffs4all - Participation of the citizens from Bruck in the energy transition for all

The project responds to the challenges of participation in the energy transition in the municipality of Bruck/Mur by exploring the possibilities of Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), Peer to Peer Trading (P2P Trading) and virtual metering points for generation plants be developed and implemented as a basis for new tariff/financing models.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

sewageENERGYrecovery - Performance comparison of different wastewater heat recovery systems for renewable heat generation

Independent detailed testing of the performance and efficiency of different wastewater heat recovery systems in actual operation by analysing measurement data. Evaluation of the analysed systems with regard to their optimal application possibilities.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Climate Scan District - Exploration and evaluation of potential districts regarding their suitability as a pioneer district

The "Climate Scan District" project aims to select the most suitable pioneer district in Dornbirn by applying the klima:aktiv criteria catalog for climate-neutral districts. This supports the city's transformation to climate neutrality by 2040. Extensive district profiles, action plans, and future visions are developed to create a well-founded and comprehensive basis for decision-making.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

ProzesSan - Development of processes to increase the decarbonisation and refurbishment rate in the housing sector

The project aims to assist owners of large property portfolios with the challenges of refurbishing their buildings. The first step is to identify the various obstacles and develop appropriate solutions. These will be tested in three workshop phases with the owners, and a workshop manual and guidelines will be developed.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

FROSCHBERG 2.0 - Designing existing neighborhood(s) to be renewable and replicable

Exploration of replicable solutions for the socially acceptable transformation of existing neighbourhoods towards climate neutrality using the example of the Froschberg workers' housing estate. The result, the presentation and integration of climate neutrality into the refurbishment roadmap for the Froschberg workers' housing estate, serves as a starting point for implementation in a follow-up project.

Haus der Zukunft

E_PROFIL - neighborhood profiles for optimized energy transformation processes

E_PROFIL is a set of methods (an IT-supported toolkit) for the elaboration of neighbourhood profiles. The aim of the project is to facilitate an energy and resource efficient development in the planning practice of Austrian cities. Furthermore, the project is an important asset for research and planning activities in Europe and can also be applied to other neighbourhoods.

Stadt der Zukunft

PEQBacker: Integrated District Planning - Enabler on the way to a Plus-Energy District

Development of guidelines for the implementation of Plus-Energy District coordination units based on research of success factors, exploration of mission elements of existing structures and consultation of a broad stakeholder group with the goal of increasing the transformation of existing and emerging neighbourhoods toward Plus-Energy Districts.

Stadt der Zukunft

SolCalc: Development of a standardized calculation algorithm for the energy consumption assessment and the energy certification of residential buildings with a solar fraction of up to 100% in combination with biomass boilers and heat pumps

Development of a standardized calculation algorithm for the energy consumption assessment and the energy certification of residential buildings with a solar fraction of up to 100% in combination with biomass boilers and heat pumps

Stadt der Zukunft

UrbanEnergyCells - Requirements for the implementation of energy cells in future energy system designs

The transformation of the currently hierarchical electricity system into a renewable, decentralized electricity system poses major challenges for the actors in the energy industry and society. Most of the installed decentralized renewable energy sources are installed in rural areas, due to easier legal implementation and shorter decision-making pathways. However, the energy density in urban areas is significantly higher, resulting in a transport of electrical energy to the consumption centers.

Stadt der Zukunft

NaNu3 - Parametric Planning for a Sustainable Roof (Blue, Grey and Green)

Demonstration of the feasibility and validation of a parametric model that can evaluate the practical and financial feasibility of the combined use of roof areas as well as its microclimate and environmental effectiveness at an early planning stage.

Stadt der Zukunft

GLASGrün - Regulation of climate, energy demand and comfort in GLASS buildings through structurally integrated vertical GREEN

Development of vertical vegetation systems for summergreen shading of glass facades of food retail and commercial areas. GLASGrün generates quantitative data on energy and microclimate balance and qualitative data on user perception. The results are guidelines for scalable and transferable constructive solutions with maintenance and management plans.

Stadt der Zukunft

PhaseOut – Heat pump technologies in the renovation of existing buildings

The aim is the conception, optimization, implementation, demonstration and evaluation of innovative, minimally invasive renovation solutions (thermal renovation and heating system replacement) with heat pumps and PV in multi-storey buildings on seven identical buildings. The comprehensive comparison includes various technical solution variants based on modular and scalable building technology systems as well as multifunctional building components for the exchange of decentralized gas heating by central, semi-central and decentralized heat pump solutions.

Stadt der Zukunft

Enerspired Cities - open and harmonized infomation basis for energy oriented urban planning

In "Enerspired Cities" the concept for an automized junction of judicial secured access regulation to (geo-)energy data is elaborated. This will be adapted to the specific situations in the cities of Innsbruck, Salzburg and Vienna and implemented in dedicated pilot applications. The declared aim is the support of urban planning, monitoring and research by an easy and transparent access to base data coming from various sources for a wide range of users.

Stadt der Zukunft

LehB:klimafit! Live in existing buildings today: climate fit together

The aim of the project is to explore transferable renovation concepts for the implementation of climate-fit renovations in Vienna. Integrally optimized renovation packages will be developed, which will be optimized in the building ensembles for implementation-probable, climate-friendly overall solutions with the relevant stakeholders.

Stadt der Zukunft

VITALITY - Energy optimised design rules and integral planning approach for building-integrated photovoltaics in urban areas

The VITALITY project aims to provide supporting tools, design rules and robust information in the early decision and design phase of building projects. By providing the right information at the right time, building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) is part of the discussion in the concept phase and the implementation is strongly prepared and supported.

Haus der Zukunft

solSPONGEhigh - High solar fraction by thermally activated components in an urban environment

Within this project the intensive use of thermally activated building elements (TABs) as an additional thermal storage in different buildings, with solar technologies (thermal, PV) preferred for energy supply, was investigated. The aim was to activate and use the thermal storage potential that is immanent in the building elements and thereby achieve solar coverage of the building's heat demand of nearly 100 %.

Stadt der Zukunft

Urban MoVe - Private law contracts as innovative instruments for city and mobility planning.

The research project Urban MoVe investigated to what extent private-law contracts (e.g. mobility contracts, funds, urban development contracts) are suitable as municipal planning and steering instruments for mobility at residential locations based on best practice analyzes and implemented national practical examples.

Haus der Zukunft

HEROES - Houses for Energy- and ResOurce Efficient Settlements

A simplified method will be developed for the calculation of environ­mental indicators for so far not considered building elements (eg. constructions, which are not thermally relevant and HVAC-components). The theoretical principles for the calculation of the primary energy demand and the CO2-Emissions for operating and raising a building will be harmonized.