Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"


QB3R – Quality controlled high‐performance components consisting of 100% bio‐based resins with high potential in repair and recycling

The QB3R project aims to develop an epoxy resin system having a 100% bio‐based carbon content. The QB3R resin will be processable with various different manufacturing techniques resulting in high performance components for long‐lasting material goods.


Business model innovations for rental and service models in the manufacturing sector

The project aims to contribute to a better understanding of the economic and ecological potentials of an implementation of lending and service models in the manufacturing sector in Austria and to show which changes and R&D efforts are necessary so that these can be realized by suitable business models.


KAFKA - Development of cascade reactions for a circular economy

KAFKA aims to expedite the development of biorefinery processes and showcase the potential of process cascades for producing high-quality chemical products from biogenic resources/waste. The central element of the project is an innovative reactor platform that flexibly combines biotechnological, electrochemical, and thermal processes. Investigations into new process cascades to enable a circular economy are thereby accelerated.


DigiTech4CE - Digital key technologies for circular production

DigitTech4CE analysed industrial cycles in discrete, digitalised production; their participants, advantages/disadvantages and framework conditions, as well as the key digital technologies required. Fields of action were developed, according to the needs of Austrian industry. Recommendations for action serve the development of sustainable, Austrian production that builds and expands competitiveness through circular innovations.


DiRecT – Direct recycling and upcycling of titanium chips

In the project DiRecT, different new technologies will be developed and evaluated which make it possible to directly recycle the chips generated in the manufacturing process of high-quality titanium products or to produce directly from the chips near-net-shape components or improved semi-finished products (upcycling).