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There are 76 results.

Haus der Zukunft

Technology Platform Photovoltaic Austria

Between research institutions and the economic system the way has been paved to initiate joint R&D projects. Common research activities have been initiated and intensified to be able to position local companies in international niche markets for photovoltaics.

Stadt der Zukunft

The Green Parking Space – Utilization of urban parking areas for production of biomass

Many traffic areas in urban environments are actually used as such only a small fraction of the time. Subject of this project was to investigate the possibility of using those areas by additional integration of photobioreactors for the production of biomass, integrating such systems to the maximum extent into the urban substance and energy cycles.

Haus der Zukunft

ThermSat - pilot training program "Thermal renovation engineer in construction industry"

The goal was to design, offer, evaluate and refine a practical training, adapted to the current development. Aim of the courses is to have well-trained engineers and technicians with practical and theoretical knowledge in the field of thermal renovation of buildings.

Haus der Zukunft

ThinkHome: Improved energy efficiency based on artificial intelligence in future homes

ThinkHome is a networked controlled home of the future with the ultimate goal to optimise energy efficiency and user comfort at the same time. On this way, smart interaction between all building services is of utmost importance. Goals of this project include the definition of a comprehensive knowledge base that holds all relevant building data, the evaluation of control strategies based on artificial intelligence and machine learning, as well as agent based software engineering.

Haus der Zukunft

To Renovate with Common Sense - Building of Tomorrow - A Film Project

A professional documentary film and detailed construction-documentation upon the subject of innovative thermal renovation of matured apartment houses and tenement blocks in Austria.

Haus der Zukunft

Training Offensive: Comfort Ventilation

Specialised theoretical and practical training for designers/installers of comfort ventilation systems in residential buildings.

Haus der Zukunft

Transfer conference "Alpine hut of Tomorrow" pilot project "Schiestlhaus"

The aim of the event was an open in-depth discussion with and for experts of the alpine clubs in order to evaluate the pilot project "Schiestlhaus" and to identify usable approaches for sustainable buildings in the alpine area.

Haus der Zukunft

Transferproject: Professional strawbale building - "Virtual building-site", exhibition and instruction material

Strawbale-workshops are considered as the best way to inseminate this ecological building-technique. The "virtual building site" has some decisive advantages over the common situation: it does not depend on the weather, allows the comparative study of different constructing methods and can, as a permanent installation, be used as an exhibition.

Haus der Zukunft

URSOLAR - Optimization of SOLAR energy usage in URban energy systems

URSOLAR provides decision makers with a roadmap for the integrated use of solar energy in urban environments. The roadmap shows, how photovoltaics- and solar-thermal installations can be used in an ecological, economical and socially optimal way whilst considering legal requirements as well as infrastructural conditions in typical city quartiers and stakeholder interests.

Haus der Zukunft

Update of content and usability for the Manual for Energy Consultants (HfE-New)

The Manual for Energy Consultants had been adapted to present and future needs in energy consulting. The updated manual will preserve the basic concept (buildings with at least close to domestic energy use patterns, up to 1000 m² heated floor area, concentration on refurbishment) and the existing structure: Checklists, data sheets and explanations.

Haus der Zukunft

Urban consolidation Lehen - subproject 6a and 6b: Energy efficient urban districts by means of community organizing and social measures in urban consolidation

Community organizing is used as a method to develop an activating social process to inform and include involved people in the district concerning new buildings but also in the process of urban renewal. Experiences and feedback were worked on scientifically to give feedback to the community as well as to builders and planners.

Haus der Zukunft

Zero Carbon Buildings International - Evaluation and Analysis

Analysis of the performance of a demonstration building on the Philippines and potential for transferability to other developing and newly industrialising countries.

Haus der Zukunft The Open Content knowledge and learning platform

The objective of the project was to develop online teaching materials on the topics energy-efficient buildings and renewable energy sources in collaboration with technical vocational schools and vocational higher secondary schools.

Haus der Zukunft

e-retrofit kit - tool kit for passive house retrofit

Development of an internet-based tool for passive house retrofit für - target group social housing companies. Actualization of tool after test and evaluation in case-studies. dissemination activities in austria.

Haus der Zukunft

monitorPlus. Monitoring of pilot projects of the Austrian RTD-program Building of Tomorrow Plus

All pilot projects of "Building of Tomorrow Plus" had to be evaluated in a common monitoring project on energy efficiency, user's acceptance, and the integrated building performance. monitorPlus documented and assessed the results of this evaluation.

Haus der Zukunft

plusFacades - International know-how- and knowledge transfer of "intelligent Facade systems" for Austrian players and key personnel

The project proceeds from the idea that prefabricated intelligent facade systems represent a promising technology for the energy efficient refurbishment of buildings. A goal is to process the present international state-of-the-art and the existing know-how to this topic for Austrian experts.