
There are 127 results.

Terms of use: The pictures on this site originate from the projects in the frame of the programmes City of Tomorrow, Building of Tomorrow and the IEA Research Cooperation. They may be used credited for non-commercial purposes under the Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC).

Example illustration of the Indoor Air Quality metric of Subtask 1

Example illustration of the Indoor Air Quality metric of Subtask 1

Particulate matter emissions during cooking

Particulate matter emissions during cooking

Outside air intake of the Passive House apartment complex Lodenareal

Outside air intake of the Passive House apartment complex Lodenareal

Schematic illustration of the active overflow principle

Schematic illustration of the active overflow principle

Lehm-Passivbürohaus Tattendorf

innen, Eingangsbereich

Lehm-Passivbürohaus Tattendorf


Lehm-Passivbürohaus Tattendorf

im Winter

Solar City


Solar City


Solar City

Frontalansicht eines Wohngebäudes

Neighborhood garden plan

Neighborhood garden plan

Collage_Vision 2040

Collage_Vision 2040

Closing Event

Closing Event

Energy- and Mobility Carport

Energy- and Mobility Carport

Time series with forcing terms

Time series with forcing terms

Calculated heat sources and sinks for the digital twin

Calculated heat sources and sinks for the digital twin

Setup of a digital twin

Setup of a digital twin

Graphic representation of a digital twin

Graphic representation of a digital twin

residential building St. Paulus, northwest view

residential building St. Paulus, northwest view

exterior view, west view

exterior view, west view