
There are 101 results.

Terms of use: The pictures on this site originate from the projects in the frame of the programmes City of Tomorrow, Building of Tomorrow and the IEA Research Cooperation. They may be used credited for non-commercial purposes under the Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC).



Setting the moss-plants

Setting the moss-plants

Moss-Growth Studies (Project BeMoFa)

Moss-Growth Studies (Project BeMoFa)

Different collected moss species for growth experiments

Different collected moss species for growth experiments



Energetic management of urban quarters - ideal-typical process

Energetic management of urban quarters - ideal-typical process

Final event of the project E_PROFIL at Ars Electronica Center - team

Final event of the project E_PROFIL at Ars Electronica Center - team

Panel discussion on "energetic transformations in urban quarters" - E_PROFIL

Panel discussion on "energetic transformations in urban quarters" - E_PROFIL

Share of multi-flat buildings and multi-storey housing in buildings with flats - Linz central region

Share of multi-flat buildings and multi-storey housing in buildings with flats - Linz central region

Final event of the project E_PROFIL at Ars Electronica Center

Final event of the project E_PROFIL at Ars Electronica Center

Reductive Approach toward new window concepts for vacuumglass windows

Reductive Approach toward new window concepts for vacuumglass windows

Different Window-Concepts

Different Window-Concepts

Vacuum-glazing-window in fully-glazed appearance, opening direction to the outside.

Vacuum-glazing-window in fully-glazed appearance, opening direction to the outside.

Vacuum-glazing-window with opening direction to inside and indoor-sided vacuum glazing

Vacuum-glazing-window with opening direction to inside and indoor-sided vacuum glazing



Different Urban Densification Scenarios #2 - Use Case Area Triesterstraße/Graz

Different Urban Densification Scenarios #2 - Use Case Area Triesterstraße/Graz

Design proposal for an economic Photonic Cooling element

Design proposal for an economic Photonic Cooling element

Dissipated power density in dependence of the temperature difference between sample and its surroundings

Dissipated power density in dependence of the temperature difference between sample and its surroundings

Photonic Cooling measurement setup with parabolic reflector

Photonic Cooling measurement setup with parabolic reflector

Estimated annual peak demand for air conditioning in Vienna for different climate scenarios

Estimated annual peak demand for air conditioning in Vienna for different climate scenarios