IEA Tasks & Annexe
There are 9 results.
IEA IETS Task 17: Membrane processes in biorefineries (Working period 2024 - 2025)
Membrane technologies in biorefineries are essential for industrial development in order to enable the transition to a bio-based industry. Biomass as a raw material requires efficient processes. The IEA IETS Task XVII (24-26) project promotes the transfer of know-how between research, industry and membrane manufacturers for resource-efficient applications. The national task strengthens the Austrian research landscape through networking activities.
IEA IETS Task 11: Industry-based Biorefineries Towards Sustainability (Working Period 2024-2026)
Industrial-scale biorefineries play a central role in the transition to a climate-neutral and integrated circular economy. The international IEA IETS Task 11 supports this development by investigating and evaluating technologies and concepts for reducing emissions and conserving resources.
IEA IETS Task 21: Decarbonizing industrial systems in a circular economy framework (working period 2025 - 2027)
Energy and CO2 savings through CCUS, and resource and energy efficiency through industrial symbiosis are key approaches to decarbonizing industry. The subtasks “Carbon Dioxide Capture in Industry” and “Facilitation of Industrial Symbiosis” of the IEA IETS Task 21 deal with CO2 management, legal requirements for CCUS, new value chains and associated stakeholders, technological integration in industry, tools to enable industrial symbiosis and a non-technical assessment of the status of cooperation.
IEA IETS Task 23: Drivers and Barriers for the Transformation of Industrial Energy, Technologies and Systems (Working period 2024 - 2025)
The successful reduction of industrial greenhouse gas emissions requires the integration of a wide range of competencies. In addition to technical barriers, there are also organizational, regulatory, societal and financial barriers. The new Task 23 addresses the need for collaboration and system thinking to overcome non-technical barriers. The technical work in ongoing tasks should be supplemented by this task, which should provide added value in overcoming non-technical hurdles.
IEA IETS Task 18: Digitalization, Artificial Intelligence and Related Technologies for Energy Efficiency and GHG Emissions Reduction in Industry (Working period 2023 - 2024)
The work in Task 18 enables the exchange of experience and knowledge between industry and research institutions from different countries. Through this cooperation best practices are identified and disseminated to promote the implementation of energy-efficient technologies in industry. In the medium and long-term, this contributes to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of industry.
IEA IETS Task 15: Industrial Excess Heat Recovery (Phase 4)
Excess heat recovery plays a crucial role in reducing emissions in industry. Through strategic planning and efficient process integration, companies can improve their energy efficiency and significantly reduce their carbon footprint. Task XV facilitates the international exchange of experience and knowledge between different companies. This identifies best practices to promote the implementation of energy-efficient technologies in industry.
IEA IETS Task 17: Membrane processes in biorefineries (Working period 2023 - 2025)
Biorefineries are essential for the transition from petroleum- to a biobased industry. The use of biomass as raw material for recyclable materials, chemicals and energy sources is essential and requires efficient and sustainable production processes. This project aims to strengthen national and international know-how transfer between research and development for membrane-based processes in biorefineries. The focus is on application, improvement and innovation in all aspects of membrane distillation.
IEA IETS Task 11: Industrial Biorefineries (Working period 2022-2024)
Biorefineries producing a portfolio of biobased products or bioenergy are the backbone of the growing bioeconomy. IEA IETS Task 11 aims to minimize greenhouse gas emissions to net zero along different biorefinery pathways. Tools and methodologies for increasing energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies are to be summarized and disseminated to relevant target groups.
IEA IETS Annex 17: Membrane filtration for energy-efficient separation of lignocellulosic biomass components
The overarching goal of IEA IETS TCP Annex 17 is to strengthen the network of the Austrian membrane and biorefinery landscape.