IEA IETS Task 21: Decarbonizing industrial systems in a circular economy framework (working period 2025 - 2027)

Energy and CO2 savings through CCUS, and resource and energy efficiency through industrial symbiosis are key approaches to decarbonizing industry. The subtasks “Carbon Dioxide Capture in Industry” and “Facilitation of Industrial Symbiosis” of the IEA IETS Task 21 deal with CO2 management, legal requirements for CCUS, new value chains and associated stakeholders, technological integration in industry, tools to enable industrial symbiosis and a non-technical assessment of the status of cooperation.

Short Description

Energy and CO2 savings through CCUS, and resource and energy efficiency through industrial symbiosis are two key approaches to decarbonizing industry. At the level of the IEA TCP "Industrial Energy Technologies and Systems", Task 21 was therefore first established at the request of the Climate and Energy Fund, operationally carried out by the Energy Institute at JKU Linz, and has since been managed in two periods.

Central Austrian tasks in the third period, includes two subtasks (#4 Carbon Dioxide Capture in Industry and #5 Facilitation of Industrial Symbiosis) are the management of the entire Task 21, the management of Subtask 4 and the substantive contributions to both subtasks; in addition, there are the dissemination and communication requirements of Austrian findings to the outside world and international knowledge to Austria.

The Subtask 4 "Carbon Dioxide Capture in Industry" deals with:

  • Comparison of national perspectives on CCUS with the subactivities:
    - CO2 management strategies and
    - National legal provisions on carbon dioxide capture, utilization, and storage
  • CCU Value Chains and Stakeholder Database
  • Integration of carbon dioxide capture in industry with the subactivities:
    - Carbon capture trade-offs (purity, energy demand)
    - Real-life challenges of carbon dioxide capture in industry
  • Networking with other IETS Tasks and other TCP Tasks

The Subtask 5 "Facilitation of Industrial Symbiosis" deals with:

  • Portfolio of Industrial Symbiosis Facilitation tools
  • Broadening the perspectives on Implementing technologies for Industrial Symbiosis
  • Networking with other IETS Tasks and other TCP Tasks

The international work is accompanied by a comprehensive national communication and dissemination strategy, which ensures the involvement of stakeholders and the bidirectional transfer of knowledge.

Project Images

Terms of use: The pictures listed underneath the header “Project Pictures” originate from the projects in the frame of the programmes City of Tomorrow, Building of Tomorrow and the IEA Research Cooperation. They may be used credited for non-commercial purposes under the Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC).

Project Partners

Project lead

Simon Moser
Energy Institute at the Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz

Project partners

  • AEE INTEC, Gleisdorf
  • AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna
  • BioBASE GmbH, St. Pölten
  • MU Leoben – Lehrstuhl für Verfahrenstechnik der industriellen Umweltschutzes, Leoben
  • BOKU Wien – Institut für Verfahrens- und Energietechnik (IVET), Wien, as Subcontractor


Austria (Operating Agent), Denmark, Italy, Sweden, other are expected to join