IEA Tasks & Annexe
There are 9 results.
IEA DHC Annex TS9: Digitalisation of District Heating and Cooling – Improving Efficiency and Performance Through Data Integration (Working period 2024 - 2028)
To successfully digitalize district heating and cooling (DHC), it is important to understand the benefits of incorporating digital processes into DHC networks. The purpose of this project is to investigate solutions for data transfer and processing between the components of DHC networks, with a focus on interoperability and standardization. Furthermore, non-technical hurdles and enablers to digitization processes in the DHC sector are assessed.
IEA DHC Annex TS8: Experimental investigations of DHC systems
The project aims at promoting and improving the use of experimental studies for the transformation, decarbonization and flexibilization of new and existing district heating and cooling (DHC) systems. A strong focus will be on the integration of digital technologies, both in terms of application (e.g., IoT and cloud solutions, digital twins, machine learning) and experimental implementation (e.g., hardware-in-the-loop, data spaces).
IEA DHC Annex XIV project 04: RE-PEAK - How to cover peak heat loads in DH networks with renewables?
One challenge for the decarbonisation of many district heating networks (DH) is the provision of peak load. The objectives of the RE-PEAK project are: to gain a better understanding of the specific problems, to collect empirical data on the provision of peak load, to analyse the perception of district heating network operators with regard to the transition to climate-neutral peak load coverage, and to consolidate the results and derive recommendations.
IEA DHC Annex XIV project 06: HY2HEAT Using electrolysis waste heat in district heating networks
Hydrogen will primarily be produced by electrolysis, however, approximately one third of the electricity used to generate the hydrogen will be wasted as heat. The aim of HY2HEAT is to analyse the techno-economic synergies of electrolysis waste heat integration in District Heating systems, to evaluate the best technical solutions and to derive a practical guide for District Heating operators.
IEA DHC Annex XIV project 02 „FAST DHC - Feasibility Assessment Tool for District Heating and Cooling“
The transformation of district heating is referred to as the transition from the 1st to the 4th generation (4GDH). Recently, so-called ‘thermal source networks (TSN)’, also known as 5th generation or anergy networks, have been introduced. The aim of the project FAST DHC is to develop and demonstrate a simple tool for the techno-economic evaluation of 4GDH and thermal source networks, which also enables a comparison with individual heating and cooling solutions.
IEA DHC Annex TS7: Industry-DHC Symbiosis - A systemic approach for highly integrated industrial and thermal energy systems
Renewable and excess heat sources are currently representing nearly a third of the energy supply used in the DHC sector. Excess heat has the potential to further grow to become an important part of the energy puzzle. Up to 25% of district heating could be covered by industrial excess heat and more than 10 % of the EU's total energy demand for heating and hot water could be covered by heat from data centres, metro stations, service sector buildings, and waste-water treatment plants.
IEA DHC TS5 - Integration of Renewable Energy Sources into existing District Heating and Cooling Systems (RES DHC)
The expansion of sustainable district heating/cooling is an essential part of the Austrian heat transition. The transformation of these supply systems to fully renewable systems requires the combination of a multitude of aspects. The aim of the project is to compile a data and knowledge base from international projects in this context. Expertise and process know-how for the process of implementing the transformation of district heating and cooling systems will be collected and processed.
IEA DHC Annex XIII Project 02: MEMPHIS 2.0 - Advanced algorithm for spatial identification, evaluation of temporal availability and economic assessment of waste heat sources and their local representation
The identification and integration of waste heat sources is a key measure towards the decarbonisation district heating networks (DHN). Aim of MEMPHIS 2 is to develop an improved algorithm for identification of different current and future waste heat sources; including time relations of the heat emitted and techno-economic details as well as the further development of the online waste heat explorer.
IEA DHC Annex XIII Project 07: CASCADE - A comprehensive toolbox for integrating low-temperature sub-networks in existing district heating networks
The majority of urban district heating networks operate at high temperatures, which are a barrier to the efficient integration of heat sources such as solar, geothermal, ambient or low temperature waste heat. CASCADE is investigating the integration of low-temperature networks into the return pipe of existing district heating networks, which will reduce return temperatures and thus improve efficiency and increase its capacity to connect new customers.