IEA DHC Annex TS9: Digitalisation of District Heating and Cooling – Improving Efficiency and Performance Through Data Integration (Working period 2024 - 2028)
Short Description
The successful digitization of thermal networks for district heating and cooling (DHC) will be a significant contribution to the heat transition. The use of digital processes in the operation of DHC networks opens up potentials for the efficient and effective use of available resources, e.g. by enabling new operational strategies for the use of volatile heat sources.
The IEA DHC Annex TS9 provides a framework for the exchange of results from international initiatives and national research projects on the topic of digitization of DHC. A focus is placed on the processing and evaluation of technical and legal obstacles, especially with regard to security and data protection in connection with the exchange of data between different applications, databases and data processing platforms. The aim is to support the further development of solutions for seamless integration and interoperability between different components and systems as well as the necessary standardized data models, protocols and interfaces.
A key national contribution is the topic of "data spaces", which is to be further investigated for the DHC domain.
The IEA DHC Annex TS8 deals with the following contents in 5 subtasks:
- Subtask A: Digital Infrastructure
- Subtask B: Application Interface
- Subtask C: Management and Roadmap to Digitalization
- Subtask D: Dissemination and Reporting
Expected results
- Evaluation of a comprehensive digital infrastructure complemented by an ontology-based framework to modernize DHC systems, addressing the challenges of existing systems and enable efficient data management, analysis and governance
- Assessment of standardized interfaces and interoperability mechanisms to facilitate smooth integration and interaction between different components and systems within DHC networks, enabling efficient data exchange, control and collaboration
- Assessment of the digitalization roadmap in different DHC systems, incorporating sustainable business models and sound data policies
- Investigation of how to best support the deployment and operation of systems and promote long-term profitability and efficiency
- Dissemination of project results, findings and best practices to a wide range of stakeholders, including industry professionals, policy makers, researchers and the general public, to promote awareness, knowledge sharing and adoption of innovative digitalization approaches in the DHC industry
Belgium, Denmark (Operating Agent), Germany, France, Austria, Sweden, South Korea
Contact Address
Project leader
Edmund Widl
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Giefinggasse 4, 1210 Wien
Project partners
- Markus Gölles
BEST – Bioenergy and Sustainable Technologies GmbH
Inffeldgasse 21b, 8010 Graz
E-Mail: - Ingo Leusbrock
AEE – Institut für Nachhaltige Technologien
Feldgasse 19, 8200 Gleisdorf