Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Stadt der Zukunft

STP2030, St. Pölten 2030: KlimaNEUTRAL + KlimaFIT

A broadly based, participatory strategy process for the co-creative development of the “Roadmap to Climate Neutrality” St. Pölten by 2030. The roadmap is based on a shared vision, which is differentiated into transformation paths in different fields of action. The result is a “climate of change” in urban society that serves as the basis for participation in tenders, cooperation and implementation on the way to climate neutrality.

Stadt der Zukunft

metaTGA - Metadata and process models for open BIM in building service engineering

The objective of this research project is to design a methodology for developing data and process models and to apply them by modelling selected MEP systems. A particular but not exclusive focus is put on the renewable heating technologies, e.g. heat pumps, solar heat and biomass as well as ventilation systems. The data and process models developed in this research project will be scientifically evaluated in two pilot projects. The models, the approaches taken during development and the project team’s experiences with the pilot application of the models will be disseminated openly.

Stadt der Zukunft

SOFC4City - SOFC-waste heat utilization for buildings and industry

In this project the application of a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) for energy supply (heat and power) of urban areas will be investigated. Due to the high temperature level of the produced heat it would be possible to use this heat for the energy supply of different heat and power consumers (residential buildings, industrial plants, etc.). One aim is to provide the SOFC-heat at several temperature levels in order to establish the advantages of the fuel cell. On the one hand the legal and market-based conditions will be evaluated, on the other hand the technological feasibility will be scoured by the use of CFD-simulation of the heat production.