There are 679 results.
How much Energy Efficiency can Energy Contracting deliver to the Residential Sector in Germany? (2009)
Transaction and Life Cycle Cost Analyses, Market Survey and Statistical Potential - IAEE09 abstract
IEA Bioenergy Task 39 - An Examination of the Potential for Improving Carbon/Energy Balance of Bioethanol
Multifunctional Energy Centres - The Biogas Example
Generating heat, power and engine fuel - projects within the subprogram "Energy systems of tomorrow"
Research Forum
Publisher: BMVIT
English, 6 pages
Publication Downloads
Process Heat Collectors State of the Art within Task 33/IV (Weiss/Rommel 2008)
Approximately 128 GWth, the equivalent of 183 million square meters, of solar thermal collectorswere installed by the year 2006 worldwide (Weiss et al., 2008). Until now, the widespread use of solarthermal applications has focused almost exclusively on swimming pools and residential domestichot water preparation and space heating.
Particulate Emissions from Biomass Combustion in IEA Countries (2008)
Fuel Cell Systems - The Energy Technology Of The Future?
New Austrian Research and Development Activities Within The Subprograms "Energy Systems of Tomorrow" and "Factory of Tomorrow"
Publisher: BMVIT
English, 6 pages
Publication Downloads
Opportunity Cost Tool & Comparison and Evaluation of Financing Options for Energy-Contracting Projects (2008)
Task XVI - A manual for ESCOs, ESCO customers and ESCO project developers.1. Despcription of a methodology to compare finance options for energy service projects and 2. Opportunity Cost Tool: Estimation and Visualization of Energy Costs, Saving Potentials and Future Energy Cost Savings for the development of energy-contracting projects.
Potential for Solar Heat in Industrial Processes (Claudia Vannoni/Riccardo Battisti/Serena Drigo 2008)
The goal of this report, developed in the framework of the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme Task33 and IEA SolarPACES Programme Task IV - Solar Heat for Industrial Processes (SHIP), is to highlightthe potential use of solar thermal (ST) plants to provide heat for industrial applications. In order to fulfil thisaim, several national potential studies were surveyed and compared with a focus on the key results and themethodologies applied.
Industrial Process Indicators and Heat Integration in Industries (Brunner/Slawitsch/Giannakopoulou/Schnitzer 2008)
The goal of this report, developed in the framework of the Task33/IV - Solar Heat for Industrial Processes (SHIP) of theInternational Energy Agency, is to give an overview of the toolswhich have been developed within this IEA Task 33/IV.
Comprehensive Refurbishment of Buildings through Energy Performance Contracting (2008)
Comprehensive Refurbishment of Buildings through Energy Performance Contracting - A Guide for Building Owners and ESCos
Solar Heating and Cooling in Austria
Status Report 2007
Research, Development and Market Deployment
Gerhard Faninger
Publisher: BMVIT
English, 42 pages
Publication Downloads
Performance and risks of advanced pulverised coal plant (Nalbandian, 05-2008)
Hermine Nalbandian
Publisher: IEA-CCC
English, 70 pages
Greenhouse gas emission factors for coal (Adams, 06-2008)
Sustainable Repair Services
New Austrian Concepts within the "Factory of Tomorrow" Subprogram
Publisher: BMVIT
English, 6 pages
Publication Downloads
Fuel Cell Systems - The Energy Technology Of The Future?
New Austrian Research and Development Activities Within The Subprograms "Energy Systems of Tomorrow" and "Factory of Tomorrow"
Research Forum
Publisher: BMVIT
English, 6 pages
Publication Downloads
Sustainable Repair Services
New Austrian Concepts within the "Factory of Tomorrow" Subprogram
Research Forum
Publisher: BMVIT
English, 6 pages
Publication Downloads
Prospects for coal and clean coal technologies in India (Mills, 12-2007)
Aktoren unterstützte, adaptive Verbrennungsoptimierung zur Feinstaubreduzierung
Dipl.-Ing. Herbert Hartl, MBA
Publisher: Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie