
There are 677 results.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Future-Oriented Products And Services

New Approaches to innovative and environmentally sound produc design Research Forum 1/1998

Publisher: BMVIT
English, 6 pages

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Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Cleaner Production

Trend-setting examples in Austria PREPARE a method for an innovative and environmentally sound economy Research Forum 4/1997

Publisher: BMVIT
English, 6 pages

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Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Renewable Raw Materials Pave The Way For Sustainability

Theoretical principles, chances & perspectives Research Forum 3/1997

Publisher: BMVIT
English, 6 pages

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Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Heating With The Sun

Partial solar heating & solar systems with layer storage in low-flow operation New developments in Austria Research Forum 2/1997

Publisher: BMVIT
English, 6 pages

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Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Photovoltaics In Buildings

International research cooperation within the framework of the IEA program "SOLAR HEATING& COOLING" Research Forum 1/1997

Publisher: BMVIT
English, 6 pages

Publication Downloads

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Sustainable Regional Planning In Austria

The project "Ökofit" - research for integrated technology Research Forum 4/1996

Publisher: BMVIT
English, 6 pages

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Potential For Electricity Saving In Buildings

Models for the efficient use of energy in different types of buildings and areas of application in Vorarlberg, Austria Research Forum 3/1996

Publisher: BMVIT
English, 6 pages

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Local Biomass Heating Systems And Solar Energy In Austria

Models for the successful diffusion of new technologies Research Forum 2/1996

Publisher: BMVIT
English, 6 pages

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Energy Workshop Northern Waldviertel

A local " integrated" energy program - successful implementation through research cooperation Research Forum 1/1996

Publisher: BMVIT
English, 6 pages

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Carless Tourism In Austria

The valleybus project Lungau, Murau, Nockgebiet - an innovative pilot scheme Research Forum 3/1995

Publisher: BMVIT
English, 6 pages

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften


Initiatives and measures for the promotion of an environmentally sound product design Research Forum 2/1995

Publisher: BMVIT
English, 6 pages

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Wind Power In Austria

Prerequisites, Situation, Evaluation, Perspectives Research Forum 1/1995

Publisher: BMVIT
English, 6 pages

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

A Network For Energy Saving

Municipal Energy Saving Programs as an Educational Project Research Forum 1/1994

Publisher: BMVIT
English, 6 pages

Haus der Zukunft

First passive-house school reconstruction

Factor 10 refurbishment of the General Secondary School II and Polytechnic School of Schwanenstadt (Upper Austria) with prefabricated wooden façade elements and with a comfort ventilation system.

Haus der Zukunft

built in 2020 - Pictures and stories of tomorrow for building in the future

Production of a comprehensive picture of tomorrow's building using research into future trends, the societal framework and political developments in the building sector.

Haus der Zukunft

Sunny research! Sustainable building design with high energy performance for a modern commercial building

Commercial buildings of basic to medium standard are hardly ever designed by a high quality of innovative building services engineering. In the project Sunny research! a sustainable building design with high energy performance was developed. The aim was to adapt the aspects of Renewable Energy, thermal comfort and wellness in work.

Haus der Zukunft

EXPO HdZ: Best of Diffusion

Conception and implementation of measures to spread selected results from the house of the future - program to the building industry, in particular to meet the target groups architects, builders and building developers.

Haus der Zukunft

Facilitated decision-making procedures for sustainable refurbishment of residential properties

Participation in the refurbishment process: Monitoring of concrete refurbishment projects and development of guidelines to optimise the planning, information and decision-making processes in the course of the refurbishment of residential properties

Fabrik der Zukunft

Solar Assisted Heating Networks

An investigation of the economic and ecological usefulness of coupling two CO2 neutral energy sources; solar installations for multi-family houses, producing standardised systems concepts and planning guidelines.

Haus der Zukunft

Practicable and passive house capable renovation systems for roof and wall units using high-performance thermal insulation

Renovation of a semidetached house using vacuum insulation panel in area of wall, roof and terrace. The very first time the mechanical mounting systems from VIP is used for special applications in the renovation of facades.