
There are 390 results.

Terms of use: The pictures on this site originate from the projects in the frame of the programmes City of Tomorrow, Building of Tomorrow and the IEA Research Cooperation. They may be used credited for non-commercial purposes under the Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC).

Diagram of the Flexible Sector Coupling model.

Diagram of the Flexible Sector Coupling model.

Power to Heat

Power to Heat

Pit thermal energy storage in Dronninglund (DK)

Pit thermal energy storage in Dronninglund (DK)

IEA 4E EDNA Activities of the workstream opn energy effi ciency of data centres

IEA 4E EDNA Activities of the workstream opn energy effi ciency of data centres

New image of EDNA´s website

New image of EDNA´s website

Energy management protocols for smart devices

Energy management protocols for smart devices

Stand of the different baterry technologies (IEA 4E EDNA Task on Batteries).

Stand of the different baterry technologies (IEA 4E EDNA Task on Batteries).

IEA 4E EDNA Publications of the Workstream Data Centres energy efficiency

IEA 4E EDNA Publications of the Workstream Data Centres energy efficiency

Pit thermal energy storage in Aalborg

Pit thermal energy storage in Aalborg

IEA ES Task 45 experts alongside the Hechingen pit thermal energy storage

IEA ES Task 45 experts alongside the Hechingen pit thermal energy storage

IEA DHC Annex TS8: Example laboratory middleware

IEA DHC Annex TS8: Example laboratory middleware

IEA DHC Annex TS8: 2. Working Phase Meeting (Picture 1/2)

IEA DHC Annex TS8: 2. Working Phase Meeting (Picture 1/2)

IEA DHC Annex TS8: 2. Working Phase Meeting (Picture 2/2)

IEA DHC Annex TS8: 2. Working Phase Meeting (Picture 2/2)

IEA DHC Annex TS8: Overview of subtasks

IEA DHC Annex TS8: Overview of subtasks

IEA DHC Annex TS8: System boundaries

IEA DHC Annex TS8: System boundaries

System-level Control of a Heating Grid with Sector Coupling

System-level Control of a Heating Grid with Sector Coupling

Application-centric view of Digital Twins in DHC systems.

Application-centric view of Digital Twins in DHC systems.

Digital Twins can serve as virtual components in lab setups.

Digital Twins can serve as virtual components in lab setups.

IEA Bioenergy Task 39 group picture BBEST

IEA Bioenergy Task 39 group picture BBEST