
There are 417 results.

Terms of use: The pictures on this site originate from the projects in the frame of the programmes City of Tomorrow, Building of Tomorrow and the IEA Research Cooperation. They may be used credited for non-commercial purposes under the Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC).

Group picture of participants of Task 41, 52 and 54

Group picture of participants of Task 41, 52 and 54

Icing on structures on the nacelle of a wind turbine

Icing on structures on the nacelle of a wind turbine

Modeled performance envelopes of rotor blade heating systems

Modeled performance envelopes of rotor blade heating systems

Group picture of the Task meeting in Calgary

Group picture of the Task meeting in Calgary

Task presentations at stakeholder meeting of IG Windkraft

Task presentations at stakeholder meeting of IG Windkraft

High-temperature storage tanks at 160 °C ensure heat supply at night

High-temperature storage tanks at 160 °C ensure heat supply at night

Final meeting of the IEA SHC Task 64 in Seville with a tour of Europe's largest solar process heat plant

Final meeting of the IEA SHC Task 64 in Seville with a tour of Europe's largest solar process heat plant

Solar process heat system for Seville brewery

Solar process heat system for Seville brewery

Solar process heat system for Seville brewery

Solar process heat system for Seville brewery

Discussion of Working Group 7 with country representatives during the Executive Committee 28 meeting

Discussion of Working Group 7 with country representatives during the Executive Committee 28 meeting

Presentation of approaches for public involvement in the energy sector in Austria

Presentation of approaches for public involvement in the energy sector in Austria

Branislav Iglár and Klaus Kubeczko during the presentation of the programme of work in Utrecht

Branislav Iglár and Klaus Kubeczko during the presentation of the programme of work in Utrecht

Klaus Kubeczko holding a keynote during a session of the Mission Innovation Austria 2024 conference

Klaus Kubeczko holding a keynote during a session of the Mission Innovation Austria 2024 conference

Presentation of the ISGAN Working Group 7 at the Global Smart Grids Seminar organised by KPX Korea Power Exchange and Korean Ministry for Trade, Industry and Energy in Incheon

Presentation of the ISGAN Working Group 7 at the Global Smart Grids Seminar organised by KPX Korea Power Exchange and Korean Ministry for Trade, Industry and Energy in Incheon

TU Vienna-Nanjing Tribology Symposium December 2024

TU Vienna-Nanjing Tribology Symposium December 2024

Laser meets 2D Materials

Laser meets 2D Materials

Group photo TU Vienna - Nanjing Symposium Tribology

Group photo TU Vienna - Nanjing Symposium Tribology

Cross-sectional image of a laser-structured and coated steel surface

Cross-sectional image of a laser-structured and coated steel surface

Schematic representation of the workflow or tools for the creation and evaluation of the scenarios for Rothneusiedl

Schematic representation of the workflow or tools for the creation and evaluation of the scenarios for Rothneusiedl

Workflow for the analysis of the development scenarios

Workflow for the analysis of the development scenarios