
There are 174 results.

Haus der Zukunft

Developing of a cost-efficient, energy-optimized window, built of wood and ecological insulating materials

Development of a sustainable windowconstruction using solar energy and ecogical materials.

Haus der Zukunft

COOLSAN - refrigeration concepts for office and administrative buildings retrofit

Technologies to enhance comfort and minimise energy requirements for air conditioning in existing office and administrative buildings. Possibilities to reduce the cooling loads and strategies for the use of passive cooling systems.

Haus der Zukunft

Science documentary "Building of Tomorrow" for television

The documentary film for ORF/ 3sat and Bayern alpha-TV presents the concept of the passive house. Fascinating pioneer projects of the Austrian Program on Technologies for Sustainable Development, Sub-Program "Building of Tomorrow", have been filmed over several months. The importance of taking care of ecology and sustainability when constructing houses is demonstrated to a large audience.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Information point for renewable and ecological materials (II) online information plus service offer

Development and maintainance of the internet platform for building materials made of renewable resources at, which serves the central information-point for important stake holders - private house builders, architects, master-builders and experts in the field of building laws.

Haus der Zukunft

Investigations on the Fundamental Suitability of Sprayed-on and Plaster-covered hygrothermic active Cellulose-Compact-Soundabsorber

Development of a new kind of spray-on and plastered noise absorber on the basis of cellulose from recycled paper. The absorber system preferably attenuates the low-frequency range, that can usually only be controlled with rather complex systems, and can also be used where conventional absorbers could cause problems due to impermissible water vapour condensation.

Haus der Zukunft

Building planner of tomorrow

Practical courses "Integrated and sustainable planning of buildings. Results of the Austrian program - Building of Tomorrow". For architects, civil engineers, environmental engineers and other building professionals within masters programmes.

Haus der Zukunft

Data for schooling focused on passivehouses

Elaboration of high quality data about Passive Houses technology, to be used in training programs for building related professionals.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

New Conceptions for elderly people in new construction and renewal

Development of a catalogue of criteria for senior-housing and detailed implementation plans of a new building and/or of a reorganization project in Vienna, located in the 16th district; Costs and comparison analysis between "ordinary" New building and/or "ordinary" Reorganization and senior-housing new buildings and/or renewal

Haus der Zukunft

"Energy saving" - the best PR strategy for sustainable housing?

The project aim is the clarification and PR-reevaluation of the thematic field "energy/energy saving" as a chance to study users and market forces close and factual to have a secure base for the development of new concepts, slogans and incentives in Austria.

Haus der Zukunft

home dreams

Listening to the inhabitants of innovative buildings and using their satisfactory and unsatisfactory experiences as the basis for drawing up practice based criteria and recommendations for a quality, user-orientated building policy. The target groups are funding bodies, building contractors and town planners.

Haus der Zukunft


The ecology and economy of housing. An assessment system for the evaluation of the suitability of buildings and housing estates for the future.

Haus der Zukunft

New aluminium - sun collector

The development of a new aluminium - sun collector, where the working- fluid completely run through the absorber- area, to reach a higher efficiency.

Haus der Zukunft

IEA SHC, Task Solar Thermal Plants with Advance Thermal Storage Technologies for Low Energy Buildings

Participation in TASK 32 "Storage concepts for solar buildings". Subtask leader of the subtask for heat storage based on phase change materials

Haus der Zukunft

European Smart City Initiative - Assessment of Best Practices to StimulateMarket-/Demand-Pull

This study analyses endeavours of several European cities of becoming Smart Cities. The Kyoto Protocol from 2002 as well as the participation in different energy initiatives play a crucial role. The comparison of the results from the different cities shows that Austria has to become more ambitioned and thorough in the realm of its Smart City strategies. The study delivers valuable contributions, examples and motivations.

Haus der Zukunft

Brochure: 10 years of the program "Building of Tomorrow"

Examples of innovative construction methods for new building and for renovation.

Haus der Zukunft

Development of a clay - buildingboard with a surface ready to paint

Development of a building board consisting of a wood fibre board, coated with clay-plaster reinforced by natural plant-fibres (BioFaserLehm) for reinforcing planking of timber-constructions and also for statical not stressed inner wall surfaces.

Haus der Zukunft

Sustainable Housing - Services creating individual and social advantages

Contemporary sustainable solutions for residential building will be optimised and realized by interdisciplinary planning orientated to the life-cycle services supporting the quality of life and intelligent use of information and communication technologies.

Haus der Zukunft

Evaluation of the planning and building processes of multi-storey wooden construction residential and office buildings, and the development of measures to optimise these processes.

An analysis of the building and planning processes of multi-storey wooden construction residential and office buildings, taking into consideration the opinions of the professionals involved (planners, building contractors, building executives), then the development, documentation and distribution of ways to optimise these processes, using "Info-Tool" software.

Haus der Zukunft

Renewable resources in the building sector

Investigation of factors which support and hinder acceptance: Technical, legal/political and organisational levels considered, focus on innovative solutions with high market potential, thematic focal areas: straw bale building, surface treatment, acoustic and thermal insulation

Haus der Zukunft

Wall systems made of renewable resources

Testing and optimising post and beam straw bale constructions Testing the thermal insulation (specific heat conductance) and fire resistance of a construction (combustibility grading period), optimisation of building junction elements, development of a mobile testing lab for efficient and effective quality management