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There are 139 results.
Straw pellets for small-scale combustion units
Assessment of the operation of straw pellets fired small-scale combustion systems. Investigation and assessment of different refractory materials with respect to corrosion and evaluation of primary and secondary measures to reduce gaseous and particulate emissions.
Sustainable energy supply for Austria
Rapidly increasing energy consumption and decreasing resources of fossil fuels lead to dramatical economical, ecological and social problems.This study identified the feasible long term potential of renewable energy sources. Then ways were developed how to supply the demand for future energy consumption with renewable energy sources, despite increasing energy services.
Sustainable product service for raising the energy efficiency of injection moulding machines for plastics
Performing a feasibility study of establishing a sustainable product service for raising the energy efficiency of injection moulding machines for plastics via analysing the basic organizational and technical conditions.
Sustainable quarter "Aspern"
The development concept for the new quarter in Vienna (a former airfield) demands a great deal of sustainability: overall energy strategy, sustainability criteria as financial incentives for applicants for building permits and construction of sustainable and energy efficient buildings.
Technological as well as economical optimized Biomass CHP systems with regard to state-of-the-art technologies.
Analysis and presentation of representative biomass CHP systems with an electric power output of less than 2 MW. Variation of parameters and identification of potential optimized interactions between specific units. Identification of the economically and thermodynamically most optimized interconnection based on state-of-the-art technologies.
Technology transfer for market introduction of multifunctional photovoltaic solar façade systems
Technology and know how transfer for market introduction of multifunctional photovoltaic solar façade systems. Constructional engineering, integration into the buildings´ energy system, economy. Design of an information website and accompanying target group work.
Technology, logistics and economy of large-scale fermentation gas facilities on the basis of biogenous waste
Examination of the logistic, technological and economic feasibility of large-scale fermentation gas facilities. Development of solutions for substrate procurement, plant technology, utilization of the organic remainders of the facilities and poly generation in combination with industrial plants.
Test stand method for the determination of system efficiency and emission factors of small-scale biomass combustion systems
Determination of key data with practical relevance of typical applications in only one test run. Monitoring of air pollutants and efficiency and continuous improvement of technology possible with test stand method.
The Use of wind energy in skiing regions - Evaluation of the consume of electricity and dissemination of the results of the analysis
Main goals of the project are the analysis of the location Salzstiegl concerning the coverage of their own electricity needs with an already existent windmill as well as a following dissemination of the outcome of the analysis in form of a workshop for all ski lift carriers of Austria.
Transfer of results of the program "Factory of Tomorrow" into the target groups of energy managers and energy consultants
Transfer of results of the program "Factory of Tomorrow" with respect to energy efficiency and increased adoption of renewable energy technologies into the target groups of internal energy managers and external energy consultants. The transfer activities include carrying out a one-day-seminar twice and the preparation of freely available training materials.
Transfer of technology and know-how for the initiation of fermentation gas net feed-in pilot projects.
Target group communication of the technical possibilities of fermentation gas net feed-in. Information preparation and reduction in planning complexity. Support and networking of potential future plant operators. Establishing a service office as contact point.
Upgrading of biogas for the gas distribution system of Salzburg
Development of a cost-effective cleaning unit, free of waste-products, for the upgrading of biogas to natural gas quality. Elaboration of the basis for a demonstration project injecting biogas into the gas distribution system of Salzburg.
Use of thermal cooling technologies and optimal combination with other heat energy consumers to use during summer the available district heating based on renewable energy sources: example of the municipality of Mureck
Optimal use of heating energy from a biogas CHP in the municipality of Mureck through demand side measures; the multifunctional energy centre Mureck on the way towards thermal air-conditioning: Multi-Mukli
Valuation models for future energy clusters considering market, technology and policy uncertainty - Case Study Biomass
Market liberalization, technological change and increasing complexity of international policy processes (e .g. climate negotiations) necessitate new approaches to evaluating investments in an uncertainty and risk-augmented framework. This project developed valuation methods from financial theory - such as real options valuation and portfolio optimization - to quantify the relative competitiveness of bioenergy chains and total energy systems.
Virtual Biogas - Biogas-Upgrading and Grid-Injection
Production of natural gas substitute from biogas and grid-injection to the public natural gas grid on an industrial scale using the two-staged membrane separation process gaspermeation. Design and erection of the upgrading plant at the biogas plant Bruck/Leitha as well as monitoring and optimisation of the operational characteristics.
Virtual Green Power Plant
Preparation and initiation of the implementation of a Virtual Green Power Plant based on renewable energy sources at the Program Responsible Party of oekostrom AG - The conception of a power utility within the Austrian power market.
Virtual power plants and DSM
For the cost efficient and lasting energy supply from ecological sources, wind, photovoltaic and biomass have to be integrated in existing grids. New methods for DSM and virtual power stations are investigated, to improve the control behaviour.
Virtual power plants for self-sustaining regions
Geographic methods for the combination of renewable energy sources to create "virtual power plants" and development of self-sustaining regions in terms of energy-balance and the Kyoto target.
Voltage stabilization by central reactive power control of biogas power plants (Virtual Biogas Power Plant)
A virtual power plant, combining 20 agricultural biogas plants is planned in the south-eastern part of the State of Styria (A). The aim of the project is to realize a central reactive power control system of the biogas plants. Active power of this biogas plants ranges between 1 and 3 MW. Specific goals of the project are increasing grid stability, decreasing long distance reactive power transmission, decreasing energy losses, and decreasing utility costs.