Search results
There are 135 results.
Thermal detection of cracks on glowing wire during the process of rolling with regard to reduction of rejections
Developing a non-destructive and fully automated testing to detect surface cracks and laps in rolled wires during the production at temperature values of 800-1000°C and at a material speed of 30-40 m/s, with regard to reduction of rejections.
Transition to sustainable production systems
The project aims to provide the basis for a transition strategy towards the establishment of sustainability-orientated production and consumption systems. Together with participants and addressees of the programme "Factory of the Future", the project will develop a common framework for the management of transition processes.
Use of thermal cooling technologies and optimal combination with other heat energy consumers to use during summer the available district heating based on renewable energy sources: example of the municipality of Mureck
Optimal use of heating energy from a biogas CHP in the municipality of Mureck through demand side measures; the multifunctional energy centre Mureck on the way towards thermal air-conditioning: Multi-Mukli
Waste heat utilisation and use of renewable energy sources in a metal-working enterprise
Use of waste heat and covering of the remaining energy demand by the renewable energy sources hydropower and biomass in a metal-processing company.
Watersorption - Water absorption of Wood Plastic Composites
Analysis of the water absorption in Wood Plastic Composites (WPC) in order to develop solutions to decrease and stop water absorption. This enables a big variety of new applications made of WPC and brings economical and ecological advantages for the polymer processing industries.
Wood Plastic Composite - Direct extrusion
Development of a wood composite direct dosing system
Wood Plastic Composites
Wood Plastic Composites - Development of an extrusion tool
Development of a new generation extrusion tool for a wood plastic composite. This material will be developed in a second project an should show a fiber content of 60 - 85%. Important is a high profile quality as well as a high output to ensure an economical production.
Wood Plastic Composites - New property profile by refiner fibres
The mechanical properties and thus the application area of wood plastic composites with a wood content > 60 % shall be explicit increased by means of long wood fibres. The realization of a technological direct feeding system in extrusion process will enable an innovation jump of this wood like material.
Wood-processing employing a superimposition of ultrasonic vibrations
Development of wood-processing techniques employing high-frequency ultrasonic vibrations in terms of applications in the woodworking industry.
ZERIA 3 (Zero Emissions Research in Application)
Elaboration of the principles for zero emission enterprises. The results show that this approach can be realistic and economically advantageous in many cases.
ZERMEG - Zero Emission Retrofitting Of Existing Galvanizing Plants
Method to optimize existing galvanizing plants consequently with the goal of zero emission and zero waste enterprises, to minimize operating cost including benchmarks and three case studies
ZERMEG II - Zero emission retrofitting method for existing galvanising plants
ZERMEG II is the follow up project of ZERMEG, which was commissioned after the first call of the Austrian Factory of the Future program in 2001. The project developed a method to revamp existing galvanising plants in order to operate them with a maximum reduction of the use of chemicals and maximum recycling.
ZERMEG III - Decision guidance for the visualisation of the achievements of sustainable corporate strategies
ZERMEG III creates a virtual factory of the future from the combination of the research results of different projects. This model will be used to generate real experience for managers in experimenting taking organisational and technical decisions with regard to a sustainable development.
ZERMET - Zero Emission Retrofitting For Existing Textile Plants
Minimisation of the consumption of water, chemicals and energy in the textile industry. Further development of the ZERMEG approach in the form of a questionnaire and application in the textile industry.