Search results

There are 169 results.

Haus der Zukunft

StromBIZ - demonstration projects: business models for decentralized electricity generation and distribution

Feasible business models to utilize locally generated renewable energy are expected to induce a tipping point for the "Energy Turnaround" in Austria. Within the proposed project a number of demonstration PV plants on residential and non-residential buildings had been realized. On this basis new approaches of business cases had been developed, implemented, tested and disseminated.

Stadt der Zukunft

SüdSan - Socially acceptable, climate-compatible refurbishment of two multi-family-houses as a model for the refurbishment of the Südtiroler-Siedlung Bludenz

Planning, energetic-economic optimisation, construction and monitoring of the costs, comfort and energetic performance of two socially acceptable and climate-target-compatible refurbished smaller apartment buildings in the Südtiroler-Siedlung Bludenz.

Haus der Zukunft

TFlex - Temperature-flexibilisation in low-load operation of local district heating systems

Within the research project TFlex it was checked if the losses adherent to small district heating networks during low-load periods can be reduced. One possible solution is by deactivating the network and supplying the customers from previously charged decentralized storages. The optimal clustering of the storages and the possibility of solar-charging the storage were calculated with the aim of a guaranteed one-hundred percent heat supply.

Stadt der Zukunft

The Green Parking Space – Utilization of urban parking areas for production of biomass

Many traffic areas in urban environments are actually used as such only a small fraction of the time. Subject of this project was to investigate the possibility of using those areas by additional integration of photobioreactors for the production of biomass, integrating such systems to the maximum extent into the urban substance and energy cycles.

Haus der Zukunft

Thermo-Active Building Systems - Development of a Calculation kernel (TBA-CALC )

This project result will provide Austria with a uniform software environment for the simulation of thermo-active building systems in the form of a validated tool.

Stadt der Zukunft

ThermoCluster - Heat generation from infrastructure projects and integration into decentralised low-temperature heating and cooling networks for plus-energy districts

Integrative assessment of the geothermal potential of the Brenner base tunnel and the northern portal area, and the subsequent distribution of the heat generated from these sources to the end-consumer in potential plus-energy districts of the city of Innsbruck.

Haus der Zukunft

ThinkHome: Improved energy efficiency based on artificial intelligence in future homes

ThinkHome is a networked controlled home of the future with the ultimate goal to optimise energy efficiency and user comfort at the same time. On this way, smart interaction between all building services is of utmost importance. Goals of this project include the definition of a comprehensive knowledge base that holds all relevant building data, the evaluation of control strategies based on artificial intelligence and machine learning, as well as agent based software engineering.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Urban Future - "Resource Efficient City of Tomorrow"

Challenges fort he cities of tomorrow with research issues referring to resource management, efficiency and technology development

Stadt der Zukunft

Urban Mining - Energy and resource savings due to urban mining

The use of natural resources in long-lived products and buildings has led to the build-up of enormous urban material stocks. The present project analyses the potential of these urban mines to increase the resource efficiency of modern cities.

Stadt der Zukunft

Urban cooling demand in Austria 2030/2050 (UKÖ 2030/2050)

Systematic processing of the increasing cooling demand and presentation of the geographical location of the cooling demand in Austria. The result serves as a decision-making aid for the development of climate protection measures and climate change adaptation strategies as well as an estimate of future cooling demand.

Stadt der Zukunft

Urban district heating extended – Development of flexible and decarbonized urban district heating systems

Development of innovative urban district heating systems by integration of long-term thermal storage, large scale heat pumps, large scale solar thermal installations, waste heat recovery and analysis and evaluation by simulation. The results of this project will provide templates for technology selection, system design and merit order for new urban district heating areas.

Haus der Zukunft

Urban wind energy - Development of methods for the assessment of small wind turbines in urban areas

The project "Urban wind energy" aims to create the basis for the assessment of roof-mounted small wind turbines (SWT) in urban areas. Therefore, methods for the characterisation of turbulent wind flow fields are developed and on the other hand the impacts of turbulent wind conditions with reference to selected turbulence indicators on the performance of small wind turbines are investigated. The overall aim of the project is to address the question how to evaluate sites in urban areas for the application of small wind turbines.

Stadt der Zukunft

VERTICAL FARMING - Investigation on requirements of a Vertical Farm-prototype development for crop plant production

In the center of interest stands the investigation of fundamental principles for a new building typology – the Vertical Farm. Urban vertical food production can contribute to more energy efficient cities by concurrently reducing land use. Substantial influencing factors to achieve these goals are intended to be revealed.

Stadt der Zukunft


The project researches possibilities and potentials of highly efficient use of space through modern concepts of "stacked" functions and vertical production.

Haus der Zukunft

Ventilation and heating in passive houses: Comparison of variants in terms of thermal comfort and sustainability

This projects aims at systematic resarch on thermal comfort and the sustainability of heating passive houses with and without air heating. The results of the comprehensive investigation of different variants will provide valuable information for building developers, planners and for funding decisions.

Haus der Zukunft

WEIZconnected - crossbuilding energy exchange

The subject of this project is the design, development and demonstration / test operation of a total system of energy exchange (electricity) across buildings and building-integrated energy production for different types of buildings (residential, office, laboratory buildings).

Haus der Zukunft

WHISCERS. Whole House In-Situ Carbon & Emission Reduction Solution

Whiscers is a system for installing internal wall insulation with minimal mess, whilst the resident remains in the property. It involves measuring the walls in the property using a laser device that enables fast and highly accurate measurement. Information is then sent electronically to a computer controlled off-site cutting machine that is rapid, precise and mess-free.

Haus der Zukunft

aspern Vienna´s Urban Lakeside - subproject 1: Public Space and Micro Climate: Basics for climate sensitive planning in Aspern

The Project will derive planning examples and recommendations in order to optimize the building performance as well as outdoor amenity. The study will be based on a climate prognosis of the aspern area and compare different reference examples of construction and open space design.

Haus der Zukunft

aspern Vienna´s Urban Lakeside - subproject 6a: Energy Consumption Monitoring

This subproject of the flagship project "aspern plus" derived the basis for a centralised monitoring of the energy consumption in Seestadt aspern.

Haus der Zukunft

aspern Vienna´s Urban Lakeside subproject 2: Inter-building energy distribution

Development of comprehensive concepts for local distribution systems for thermal and electric energy within a residential area including the consideration of the interaction with construction and city planning. Derivation of measures for demonstration buildings and the infrastructure of the residential area. Integration of computing models to a prototype simulating energy distribution in the residential area.