
There are 30 results.

Terms of use: The pictures on this site originate from the projects in the frame of the programmes City of Tomorrow, Building of Tomorrow and the IEA Research Cooperation. They may be used credited for non-commercial purposes under the Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC).

Models for IoT heat pumps

Models for IoT heat pumps

Use of runtime data in a knowledge base

Use of runtime data in a knowledge base

Stakeholders in the life cycle of IoT enabled heat pumps

Stakeholders in the life cycle of IoT enabled heat pumps

Products and services for IoT heat pumps

Products and services for IoT heat pumps

IoT participation of heat pumps

IoT participation of heat pumps

Integration of renewable energy sources into the electric grid

Integration of renewable energy sources into the electric grid



R&D Map

R&D Map

Visualisation of TCPs

Visualisation of TCPs

Austrian Activities Worldwide

Austrian Activities Worldwide

Volumetric cooling capacity of the refrigerants R290 and R410A

Volumetric cooling capacity of the refrigerants R290 and R410A

Saturation pressure as a function of the dew point temperature of the refrigerants R290 and R410A

Saturation pressure as a function of the dew point temperature of the refrigerants R290 and R410A

Acoustic App

Acoustic App

Acoustic signatus and time evolution of the sound power level during de-frosting

Acoustic signatus and time evolution of the sound power level during de-frosting

Time evolution of sound power level and radiation pattern

Time evolution of sound power level and radiation pattern

Group photo of the IEA HPT Annex 51 team

Group photo of the IEA HPT Annex 51 team

Test objects with photovoltaics from the south, left: unconditioned, right: conditioned with the COOLSKIN system

Test objects with photovoltaics from the south, left: unconditioned, right: conditioned with the COOLSKIN system

nZEB office building Post am Rochus

nZEB office building Post am Rochus

nZEB - Residential Building D12 – Aspern / Vienna / Austria

nZEB - Residential Building D12 – Aspern / Vienna / Austria

Austrian examples for industrial heat pumps: time of commissioning

Austrian examples for industrial heat pumps: time of commissioning