IEA Solar Heating and Cooling (SHC)
Short Description
Global final energy consumption for heating and cooling has remained virtually unchanged for many years at around 50 % of total final energy consumption. Industrial processes account for 53 % of final energy consumption for heat, while a further 44 % is used in buildings for space heating and hot water. The remainder is used in agriculture, primarily for heating greenhouses.
The majority of applications in the above-mentioned sectors are in a temperature range below 250 degrees Celsius and are therefore easily accessible for solar thermal applications.
Vision of the program
In 2030, 50 % of the low-temperature range for heating and cooling should be covered by solar thermal energy.
Mission of the program
The Solar Heating and Cooling Program undertakes joint international efforts in the field of solar thermal energy for buildings, solar district heating and industrial processes. This creates significant added value to national research, development and demonstration projects and other programs and initiatives.
To achieve the vision, the SHC program cooperates with other IEA programs, such as Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Communities, Photovoltaics, Concentrating Solar Power and Heat Pumps, as well as with solar associations in Europe (ESTIF), USA and Australia. The results are communicated to solar research companies, solar producers, energy suppliers and service companies for end users and building owners.
Tasks with Austrian involvement
Ongoing Tasks
- Task 69 - Solar Hot Water for 2030
- Task 70 - Low Carbon, High Comfort Integrated Lighting
- Task 71 - LCA and LCOH of solar heating and cooling systems
- Task 72 - Solar Photoreactors for Fuels and Chemicals (working period 2024 - 2028)
Completed Tasks
- Task 19 - Solar Air Systems
- Task 21 - Daylight in Buildings
- Task 23 - Optimization of Solar Energy Use in Large Buildings
- Task 25 - Solar Assisted Air Conditioning of Buildings
- Task 26 - Solar Combisystems
- Task 28 - Solar Sustainable Housing
- Task 32 - Advanced Storage Concepts for Solar Thermal Systems in Low Energy Buildings
- Task 33 - Solar Heat for Industrial Process
- Task 36 - Solar Resource Knowledge Management
- Task 37 - Advanced Housing Renovation with Solar & Conservation
- Task 38 - Solar Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration
- Task 39 - Polymeric Materials for Solar Thermal Applications
- Task 40 - Net Zero Energy Solar Buildings NZEB
- Task 41 - Solar Energy and Architecture
- Task 42 - Compact Thermal Energy Storage
- Task 43 - Solar Rating & Certification Procedures
- Task 44 - Solar and Heat Pump Systems
- Task 45 - Large Scale Solar Heating and Cooling Systems
- Task 46 - Solar Resource Assessment and Forecasting
- Task 47 - Solar Renovation of Non-Residential Buildings
- Task 48 - Quality Assurance and Support Measures for Solar Cooling Systems
- Task 49 - Solar Heat Integration in Industrial Processes
- Task 50 - Advanced Lighting Solutions for Retrofitting Buildings
- Task 51 - Solar Energy in Urban Planning
- Task 52 - Solar Energy and Energy Economics in Urban Environments
- Task 53 - New Generation Solar Cooling and Heating (PV or Solar Thermally Driven Systems)
- Task 54 - Price Reduction of Solar Thermal Systems
- Task 55 - Integrating Large SHC Systems into DHC Networks
- Task 56 - Building Integrated Solar Envelope Systems for HVAC and Lighting
- Task 58 - Material and Component Development for Thermal Energy Storage
- Task 59/EBC Annex 76 - Deep Renovation of Historic Buildings Towards Lowest Possible Energy Demand and CO2 Emission (NZEB)
- Task 60 - Application of PVT Collectors and New Solutions in HVAC Systems
- Task 61 - Integrated Solutions for Daylighting and Electric Lighting
- Task 62 - Solar Energy in Industrial Water and Wastewater Management
- Task 64 - Solar Process Heat
- Task 65 - Solar Cooling for the Sunbelt Regions
- Task 66 - SOLAR ENERGY BUILDINGS - Integrated solar energy supply concepts for climate-neutral buildings and communities for the "City of the Future"
- Task 67 - Compact Thermal Energy Storage Materials within Components within Systems
- Task 68 - Efficient Solar District Heating Systems
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, Denmark France, France Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom
Contact Address
DI Christoph Brunner
Feldgasse 19
8200 Gleisdorf
Tel.: +43 3112 5886-470
Christine Promok, MSc
Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie (BMK)
Sektion III – Innovation und Technologie
Abteilung 3 – Energie- und Umwelttechnologien
Radetzkystraße 2
A-1030 Wien
Tel.: +43 664 887 42 408