Workshop: Quantifying and managing land use effects of bioenergy

19th - 21st September 2011
Brazilian Bioethanol Science and Technology Laboratory
Campinas, BR

This workshop aims to bring together current state-of-the-art research concerned with assessing land use effects of bioenergy, mitigating negative impacts, and promoting attractive ways forward.


IEA Bioenergy Tasks 38, 40 and 43 and the Brazilian Bioethanol Science and Technology Laboratory (Laboratório Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia do Bioetanol - CTBE)

Content Description

The workshop will address the following themes:

1. Quantifying Land Use and Land Use Change effects of bioenergy

  • Methods for estimating land use and land use change - modeling and other approaches
  • Effects of bioenergy systems on GHG emissions, carbon flows
  • Other effects of bioenergy (soil, water, biodiversity, social)
  • Integrating land use change effects in broader assessment frameworks

2. Responding to Land Use and Land Use Change effects of bioenergy

  • Policy measures, standards and certification
  • Integrated land use strategies


The programme is available at the workshop's website.

Target Audience

Researchers, policiy makers, students

Participant Information

The registration for the Workshop on Quantifying and Managing Land Use Effects of Bioenergy will be available until September 14th, 2011 at the workshop's website.

Contact Address

Participants assistence
Dora Maria Marques
Phone: +55 (19) 3512-1023