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Clay - Passiv Office-Building Tattendorf
The motivation for developing the project "Clay Passiv Office-Building Tattendorf" was the dissatisfaction with the situation of a great difference in the state of technology in three fields relevant to the research project: 1) sustainable production of energy , 2) sustainable energy conservation technologies and 3) use of sustainable building materials.
PEB - Plus-Energy-Office
An integrated technical energy plus office concept without additional building costs demonstrates the feasibility of such projects instancing a concrete office project with 50.000 m² floor area in Vienna with economical cost consideration.
Platform for Energy-Efficient Hospitals - ways to a higher energy-efficiency
The present project is based on the results of the project "The energy-efficient hospital: realistic departure points and identification of possible measures"
Build to satisfy: Modeling of user behavior in lowest and plus energy buildings: Consequences for building and comfort
Aim of the project was a better understanding and modeling of effects of user behavior on energy performance in office and service buildings, built with lowest energy building and plus-energy building techniques. The results support facility managers of office/service buildings and integrate gender and diversity issues.
Energy package Kolpinghaus / Eco-Suite Hotel
The Kolping association’s dormitory for pupils and students has been extended. The energy demand of the newly constructed Eco-Suite Hotel is minimized by use of highly efficient components (such as LED lighting). Locally available energy sources (waste water heat and sunlight) are used and an on-site energy system is being created for the use of the heat energy surplus. Guests at Eco-Suite Hotel can experience life in a plus energy building.
PH Office - Criterions for energy-efficient office buildings
The passive house standard and energy-efficient building technologies are getting increasingly important for office buildings, too. However, standardisation is not completed on the same level as known from the residential building sector. The project at hand brings in definitions and makes a suggestion on a standardised calculation method for office buildings in passive house quality.
Demonstration building of the eco²building system: First passive house prefabricated wood building system for commercial and industrial buildings
The EU funded "eco2building" construction system in a timber-frame based modular design represents a systematic approach for energy efficient commercial and industrial buildings. The object of the eco²building demonstration project - the logistics centre in passive-house quality for "Eine Welt Handel AG" - in Niklasdorf was to optimize the planning and construction processes and prepare for the market launch of the eco²building construction system. Accompanying research monitored and disseminated the experience.
S - House
Innovative Use of Renewable Resources demonstrated by means of an Office and Exhibition Building
COP5+ - Further development of a heat- and cooling system with seasonal heat storage at the example of Central Europe´s biggest geothermal depth drilling field
The aim was to increase the overall energy efficiency of Plus-Energy-Houses by making the heat excess of summer available for use in winter. This was carried out by improvements of the technology seasonal heat storage to an intelligent overall system. The biggest geothermal depth drilling field in Central Europe has been established.
BIGMODERN - Subproject 8: Demonstration building Amtshaus Bruck - Realisation
In the frame of the flagship project BIGMODERN the "Amtshaus Bruck an der Mur" had been renovated according to above-average quality standards concerning energy efficiency and sustainability while complying with an industrial management point of view.
win wi[e]n: block development ground floor zone: Optimization of the Viennese block renewal programm as a tool for a sustainable development of street level and open (public) spaces of urban fabric
Development of the Viennese Block Renewal Program with a special focus on the ground floor zone of historical urban fabric (on the basis of the case study Block Renewal Area Ilgplatz, Vienna): sustainable restructuring and reusing of the blocks at ground level, including courtyards and street spaces- as a comprehensive planning approach.
Development of a strategy for industrialized serial production of ecological passive houses made out of renewable resources
Development of a strategy for industrialized seria. production of ecological passive solar houses made out of building materials based on renewable resources as foundation for the dissemination of sustainable solutions for the production of prefabricated houses and of single houses.
Sunny Energy Building: ENERGYbase - Office building of tomorrow
Energybase is a showcase project in terms of energy efficiency and use of renewable energies realized by the Vienna business agency. With 7.500 sqm net floor area ENERGYbase provides space for innovative business and research and development on the field of green energy.
Thermo-Active Building Systems - Development of a Calculation kernel (TBA-CALC )
This project result will provide Austria with a uniform software environment for the simulation of thermo-active building systems in the form of a validated tool.
Urban consolidation Lehen - Subproject 8a: project management - documentation - dissemination and quality assurance
The project coordinates several projects in the urban quarter Lehen to ensure increase of energy efficiency and sustainable development. This subproject contains the coordination of the partners and projects in order to reach defined standards of quality, coordination and cooperation with the program "Building of Tomorrow" and other flagship projects as well as the documentation of results.
oh 456 - Plus Energy Office Building oh456
The "oh456 Plus Energy Office Building" with its adjoining small hydro-electric power plant shall serve as a prototype for testing innovative technologies and also provide the companies residing in the building integral home surroundings comprising common break and leisure facilities. A wide public will have access to the building which will be a location for the most diverse events, exhibitions and lectures on climate protection as well as being a joint promotional platform for sustainable construction.
Office Building WKS - Plus Energy Office Building in Ernstbrunn
The new office building (headquarter) of Windkraft Simonsfeld AG in Ernstbrunn (Lower Austria) is planned as a plus energy building. From this excellent starting conditions it is intended to make seven more steps to explore innovative options for energy plus buildings.
School vent cool - Ventilation, cooling and strategies for high performance school renovations
Based on a building typology, strategies for prefabrication for high-quality thermic-energetic renovation of school buildings were developed. New solutions for ventilation systems to achieve good air quality and shading systems were analysed and tested. The "School vent cool" method for renovation of schools has been developed.
Energy Efficiency and Risk Management in Public Buildings (EnRiMa)
The major objective of the project EnRiMa was to develop an internet based decision-support system (DSS) to enable operators of public buildings to increase the system efficiency as well as to reduce the CO2 emissions. The DSS can be linked to existing energy management systems as DESIGOTM. The University of Applied Science Burgenland, Campus Pinkafeld, and ENERGYbase, Vienna, have been used to test and calibrate the EnRiMa DSS.
BIGMODERN - Subproject 6: Incentives to enforce energy efficiency and sustainability in modernizations of BIG-buildings
Development of approaches, which lead to general conditions for complete refurbishments in BIG-buildings, which support high standards regarding energy efficiency and sustainability. This will ensure high-quality modernizations for BIG's real estate.