There are 7 results.
5. Industrieworkshop IEA SHC Task 70/EBC Annex 90 "Low Carbon, High Comfort Integrated Lighting"
28. März 2025, 8:30 - 15:30 (CET)
Universität Innsbruck, Technikerstrasse 21a, Innsbruck, AT
Dieser Workshop findet im Rahmen des IEA SHC Task 70/EBC Annex 90 Expert Meetings statt und bietet eine Fülle an Informationen zum Thema "Integrierte Beleuchtung mit geringem Kohlenstoffimpakt und hohem Komfort" und die Möglichkeit zum Austausch mit Expert:innen aus Theorie und Praxis.
M-ERA.NET Call 2021 Project Conference
1. - 2. April 2025
Elbflorenz Dresden Hotel in Dresden (D)
The M-ERA.NET network is preparing a conference “Connecting materials innovation actors in Europe and beyond” dedicated to the 70 transnational projects funded under the Call 2021.
90. IEA Wirbelschichttechnologie Meeting & EXCO-Meeting
05. - 06. April 2025
Nanjing, CN
Das globale IEA Wirbelschichttechnologie Meeting, mit der öffentlichen technischen Session und dem Excecutive Committee Meeting für Mitglieder, hat das Schwerpunktthema "Umwandlung von Gasen in Wirbelschichtreaktoren im Zusammenhang mit Energieprozessen (Ammoniak, Reformierung usw.)."
IEA EGRD Workshop: Technologies and innovations for the climate-neutral city
May 12–13, 2025
Vienna (Austria) and onlineDay 1: BMK, Radetzkystraße 2, 1030 Wien, Festsaal, Day 2: die HausWirtschaft, Bruno-Marek-Allee 5/1, 1020 Wien, NordbahnSaal
This workshop will focus on how cities can achieve climate neutrality. The discussions will center on key factors for R&D policies to foster technologies and systemic innovations for sustainable and resilient urban development.
World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF2025)
13. - 16. May 2025
Ibirapuera Park, São Paulo (Brazil) and online
In its ninth edition, WCEF will explore the potential of tropical solutions for sustainable growth, the power of the regenerative economy and the strategies of a bioeconomy - alongside the indispensable role of the production sector in driving the transition toward a circular economy.
Life Cycle Assessment of Electric Vehicles - Steps Towards Circularity & Climate Neutrality
15. - 16. May 2025
BMK, Radetzkystraße 2, 1030 Wien, AT
Based on the context of Climate Neutrality and Circularity, the aim of the IEA HEV Task 46 expert workshop is to analyse, assess and discuss the environmental effects of electric vehicles, the scientific assessment approach and its practical relevance for industry, government and consumers.
15th IEA Heat Pump Conference: Decarbonisation through Innovation
26. - 29. May 2026
The leading scientific conference and meeting place for academia, industry, market, policy makers and investors interested in the field of heat pumping technologies. Under the motto ‘Decarbonisation through Innovation’, experts from all over the world will meet to present and discuss the latest advances and developments.