IEA UsersTCP SLA 2.0: Inclusive and Community-Oriented Approaches to a Social License to Automate (Working period 2022-2024)

The energy transition is critical in solving the climate crisis. Automated demand side management has great potential in this process but struggles with social acceptance. In SLA2.0, the role of gender and diversity factors will be investigated with regards to flexibility and engagement and the contribution potential of energy communities to a social license to automate will be explored. Results will provide guidance for flexibility profile identification and stakeholder-specific recommendations.

Short Description

The 'IEA UsersTCP SLA 2.0' (SLA2.0) project aims to develop in-depth knowledge and stakeholder-specific recommendations for granting a social license to automate within demand side management (DSM) programs. The focus is on new insights on how to engage diverse user groups with different consumption flexibility, as well as on how to engage energy communities in order to improve the reach of DSM solutions. In doing so, the project aims to:

  1. Understand the role of gender and diversity factors in energy consumption flexibility and identify appropriate engagement approaches
  2. Map the contribution potential of energy communities and other collaborative efforts to promote a social license to automate
  3. Define markers of consumption flexibility based on load profiles and derive data quality criteria

To achieve this, following a literature review and common methodology definition, gender and diversity differences in consumption flexibility will be analysed within existing on use cases. With additional consideration of motivations, actionable energy literacy, energy practices and contextual factors they will be complemented by individual and collective engagement approaches to support the design of more inclusive designs of opportunities to participate.

Simultaneously, different types of energy communities will be grouped based on selected characteristics such as existing technologies and automation capabilities, legal forms, and community goals. Clusters identified this way will subsequently be analysed under involvement of stakeholder with regards to their contribution potential. Taking into account technical and social aspects, assessment will include other aspects such as security of supply and affordability.

Building on insights gained through these activities, consumption profiles will be analysed specifically in terms of consumption flexibility using existing data sets. Demographic markers for flexibility profiles will be derived, enabling the development of specifically tailored participation offers. In addition, data quality criteria will be defined for the detection of corresponding profiles via consumption data.

Gained insights will be synthesized and recommendations will be developed for different stakeholder groups.

Expected results

  • Gender- and diversity specific flexibility and engagement framework
  • Report on contribution potential of energy communities
  • Report on diversity-specific markers in consumption profiles and associated data quality standards
  • Stakeholder-specific recommendations for reaching and engaging diverse user groups and energy communities in automated demand side management programs

Project Images

Terms of use: The pictures listed underneath the header “Project Pictures” originate from the projects in the frame of the programmes City of Tomorrow, Building of Tomorrow and the IEA Research Cooperation. They may be used credited for non-commercial purposes under the Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC).

Project Partners

Project leader

Mag. Lisa Diamond
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Giefinggasse 4, 1210 Vienna

Project partners

Andrea Werner, MSc
University of Applied Sciences Technikum Vienna
Höchstädtplatz 6, 1200 Vienna

Dr. Andrea Kollmann
Johannes Kepler University Linz – Energy Institute
Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz


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