IEA-ISGAN Annex 1: Global Smart Grid Inventory IEA-ISGAN and Annex 2: Smart Grid Case Studies

The international Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN) aims to improve the understanding of Smart-Grid-technologies and to accelerate global deployment. The work in ISGAN is structured in eight standing working groups (annexes). The present project describes the Austrian contribution to Annex 1: Smart Grids Inventory and Annex 2: Smart Grids Case Studies.

Short Description

According to the strategic positioning and the research and innovation priorities in Austria the focus was on new approaches for the planning and operation of power grids with a high share of decentralized renewable energy sources and the involvement of active customers. Main targets for the participation of Austria in IEA ISGAN Annex 1 und 2 was to further position Austrian projects and the dissemination of international learnings to and from Austria.

The planned methods included the participation in bi-yearly surveys concerning pilot and demonstration projects for Smart Grids and the publication of casebooks. In 2016, Austria actively participated in a newly developed and successful method for knowledge sharing: The Knowledge Transfer Projects (KTPs). Within this Projects a survey to a certain topic is filled by participating countries. In telephone conferences prior to the workshop these results are shared and discussed. At the workshop itself the results are discussed and recommendations to the topic are given.

The main results of this project are:

  • Publication of the results following the collection, preparation and evaluation of project information of relevant Austrian demonstration projects for the ISGAN Smart Grids database including continuous updates.
  • Contributions and updates of Austrian case studies for following ISGAN casebooks in collaboration with relevant actors:
    - Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Casebook
    - Demand Side Management (DSM) Casebook
    - Spotlight on Energy Storage Systems (ESS) Casebook
  • Support of the BMVIT in Task 7: Knowledge Transfer Projects (KTPs)
    - KTP on Public Support
    - KTP on KPIs for Public Support
    - KTP on Regulatory Sandboxes

The used methods were highly suitable to ensure knowledge sharing on international level. Austria was able to position itself with projects on Smart Grids and had the opportunity to learn from the experiences of other countries.


Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, France, Germany, Great Britain, India, Ireland, Italy, Korea, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, USA

Contact Address

DI Dr. Susanne Windischberger
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Giefinggasse 2
1210 Wien
Tel.: +43 50550-6290
Mobil: +43 664 88964968