IEA Tasks & Annexe

There are 2 results.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA HEV TCP Task 40: Critical Raw Materials for Electric Vehicles

The production of electric vehicles and batteries requires critical raw materials. In Task 40, demand and supply are compared, based on global scenarios of the development of electric vehicle fleets, battery technologies, primary and secondary raw material potentials and recycling technologies. Potential overall ecological and social impacts of raw material and battery production are assessed.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA HEV Task 41: Electric Freight Vehicles (Working period 2021 - 2022)

So far, the transformation of freight transport remains one of the biggest challenges on the path to zero emission. The Task's main objectives are to monitor progress and review relevant aspects for a successful introduction of electric freight vehicles (EFV) into the market. Austrian pilot projects on EFV are used to exchange barriers and solution approaches in an international context, especially with regard to substitution potential, costs and energy consumption. Together with incentive systems for the market launch of EFV, this will be discussed with logistics companies, the ministry (BMK) and research institutions.