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There are 4 results.
Haus der Zukunft
ABC - DisposaL - Assessment of Building and Construction - Disposal LCA Indicators for the disposal performance of construction
A framework of assessment for the disposal of building materials, constructions and buildings will be developed. The results will be included in the OI3-indicator and in the building assessment tool Total Quality Building. Demonstration projects of the programme Building of Tomorrow will be assessed with the new method.
Haus der Zukunft
Multifunctional City Nucleus
Sustainable mixed-use utilization of urban commercial and industrial areas with a specific focus on energy-related aspects.
Haus der Zukunft
S I P settlement models in passive house quality
Research, development and realization of integral building concepts in passive house quality!
Nachhaltig Wirtschaften
Urban Future - "Resource Efficient City of Tomorrow"
Challenges fort he cities of tomorrow with research issues referring to resource management, efficiency and technology development