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There are 42 results.

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circPLAST‐mr Mechanical Recycling of Plastics: Mechanisches Recycling von Kunststoffen: From waste plastics to high‐quality and specification‐compliant recyclates

The flagship project circPLAST‐mr pursues the following 4 main objectives: (1) to identify and explore previously unused potential for mechanical plastics recycling, (2) to define and test key process steps for this on a laboratory/pilot scale, (3) to demonstrate the eco‐efficient marketability of increased recycled plastic volumes, and (4) to demonstrate the scalability of the laboratory/pilot process steps to industrial scale.

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rPS4FoodPackaging - Polystyrene Recycling for food contact applications

The production of recycled plastics for food contact applications is challenging. Besides recycled polyethylene terephthalate (rPET) for beverage bottles, there are few alternatives in recycled plastics. This project focuses on researching a novel recycling process for polystyrene, aiming for approval of recycled polystyrene (rPS) for food contact applications.