
There are 30 results.

Terms of use: The pictures on this site originate from the projects in the frame of the programmes City of Tomorrow, Building of Tomorrow and the IEA Research Cooperation. They may be used credited for non-commercial purposes under the Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC).

Austrian examples for industrial heat pumps: heat sinks

Austrian examples for industrial heat pumps: heat sinks

Austrian examples for industrial heat pumps: heat sources

Austrian examples for industrial heat pumps: heat sources

MPEfin Heat exchangers mounted in the flow channel

MPEfin Heat exchangers mounted in the flow channel

Experimental setup for investigating the frosting performance of heat exchangers at low ambient temperatures

Experimental setup for investigating the frosting performance of heat exchangers at low ambient temperatures

MPEfin heat exchanger

MPEfin heat exchanger

Experimental setup for freezing in the AIT's climate chamber without tubing

Experimental setup for freezing in the AIT's climate chamber without tubing

Combination of Methods used by TCP-Activities

Combination of Methods used by TCP-Activities

Participation of countries in IEA Technology Collaboration Programmes and Related Research Topics

Participation of countries in IEA Technology Collaboration Programmes and Related Research Topics

IEA-TCP Graph: Visualization of all nodes and edges in the IEA-TCP data model

IEA-TCP Graph: Visualization of all nodes and edges in the IEA-TCP data model

IEA-Topics, Related Activities and Working Parties

IEA-Topics, Related Activities and Working Parties