IEA UsersTCP Empowering all: Gender in policy and implementation for achieving transitions to sustainable energy (Working period 2024-2026)
Short Description
Decision-makers are increasingly challenged to ensure an ecologically and socially sustainable energy supply in the face of current, multidimensional crises. This necessitates a reorientation of existing strategies.
Efforts to integrate gender and intersectionality into energy supply strategies are often hindered by technical, organizational, economic, and cultural inertia. There is an urgent need for gender-specific, evidence-based measures, including inclusive socio-technical innovations and targeted supply measures. Collecting gender-disaggregated data on energy behavior and the role of households is essential to effectively bridge this gap.
The project addresses these challenges by strengthening the participation and decision-making capacities of vulnerable and energy-poor groups, enabling them to co-shape an inclusive energy transition. The task is divided into four subtasks with the following objectives:
- Subtask 1 – Re-framing Just Energy Transitions: Cultivating a diversified understanding of energy users by reframing them within social and relational contexts to promote equitable energy transitions.
- Subtask 2 – Scaling Just Energy Transitions: Developing frameworks that bridge the gap between policy and user needs, fostering inclusive and resilient energy systems at all levels.
- Subtask 3 – Reimagining Just Energy Transitions: Prototyping inclusive interventions and technologies to meet diverse user needs and facilitate low-carbon energy transitions.
- Subtask 4 – Pilot for a Gender Knowledge Hub: Fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing across TCPs to promote gender-sensitive approaches to energy transitions.
Austria's contribution to Subtasks 1, 2, and 4 aims at creating an inclusive energy framework and providing actionable recommendations for policymakers and energy providers. A gender-specific survey and focus groups with vulnerable users will analyze energy behavior and power structures within households, addressing research gaps. The Gender Knowledge Hub connects experts and fosters cooperation within the TCP community. The goal is to develop inclusive user-oriented solutions, gain more insight into the cycle of energy poverty, and enhance resilience and sustainability.
Austria, Ireland, Sweden (Operating Agent), The Netherlands, UK, US
Contact Address
Project leader
Azadeh Badieijaryani
Project team member
Beatrix Hausner
Project partner
Monika Spörk-Dür