IEA ISGAN Annex 7: Smart Grids Transition (Workingperiod 2017-2020)

ISGAN Annex 7 deals primarily with institutional and socio-technical issues in connection with the transition of the energy system, with smart grids at its core. It thus aims to bundle international experience and interdisciplinary research activities on smart grids, to process them and to make them usable for policy makers and stakeholders.

Short Description

Annex 7 dealt with smart grids in the context of the transition of energy systems worldwide from an institutional and socio-technical perspective. The project aimed at making available international experience and interdisciplinary research on institutional change related to smart grids for dissemination to policymakers and stakeholders. The Austrian contribution was related to the following tasks:

  • Task 1 – Transition processes and pathways (Smart Grids as socio-technical systems)
  • Task 2 – Smart Reflexive Governance (Orchestration of institutional change)
  • Task 3 – Smart Grid Transitions and Institutionalizations (market formations and system users)

Activities included SSH-research on the institutional framework conditions of the transition. The focus was on governance challenges, policy instruments and the development of participatory processes involving all relevant actor groups in the course of the transition process towards smarter grids.

Information was provided in form of policy briefs and other means of communication with the target groups as well as through appropriate networking activities and means of dissemination such as the LinkedIn Discussion Group – Smart Grid Transition and Webinars. Target groups were national and international decision makers and stakeholders in the field of energy and transformative innovation policies.

The project work included the coordination of the Annex as Operating Agent, contributions to the above-mentioned Tasks 1-3, as well as the lead of Task 2.

Four dimensions of socio-technical transition of established electrical distribution networks towards distributed Smart Grids
Four dimensions of socio-technical transition of established electrical distribution networks towards distributed Smart Grids (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH)

Project Images

Terms of use: The pictures listed underneath the header “Project Pictures” originate from the projects in the frame of the programmes City of Tomorrow, Building of Tomorrow and the IEA Research Cooperation. They may be used credited for non-commercial purposes under the Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC).


Austria (Operating Agent), Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, United Kingdom

Contact Address

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Dr. Klaus Kubeczko
Giefinggasse 4, 1210 Wien