IEA Heat Pumping Technologies (HPT)
The IEA Heat Pump Technologies programme develops and disseminates objective and balanced information on heat pumps, refrigeration technologies and air conditioning with the aim of exploiting the environmentally relevant and energetic potential of these technologies. This programme includes joint research projects, workshops, conferences and an information service (IEA Heat Pump Centre).
Short Description
The strategic goals of the IEA program Heat Pump Technologies are:
- To gain new knowledge, systems and practices for heat pump technologies through increased international cooperation in research, development, demonstration and market introduction
- Quantify and publicise the environmental and energy efficiency benefits of heat pump technologies
- To provide information to support the market introduction of heat pumps and which can be used by planners, energy suppliers and political decision-makers
- Ensuring an efficient flow of information between the relevant stakeholders at national and international level
- Improve the visibility and status of the program
The main areas of focus are in the following areas:
- Affordable and competitive technologies for heating
- More efficient cooling and air-conditioning, especially in warm and humid climates
- Flexible, sustainable and clean system solutions (e.g. in urban areas) using combinations of heat pumping technologies with energy storage, smart grid, solar and wind energy, thermal networks, energy prosumers, etc.
- Possibilities offered by the developments in the area of digitalisation and Internet of Things
- New or special markets and applications, including automotive, industry and consumer products
- New, alternative or natural refrigerants with lower global warming potential, high thermodynamic potential and low toxicity for both new and existing applications
In order to achieve these goals, the IEA Heat Pump Technologies programme carries out numerous activities. These include:
- Joint research projects
- A triennial International IEA Heat Pump Conference (Conference 2017 was held in Rotterdam. The next conference will take place on 11-14 May 2010 on Jeju Island in South Korea).
- The IEA Heat Pump Centre (HPC) as an information platform for the IEA Heat Pump Technologies (HPT) programme.
Ongoing Tasks
- Annex 59: Heat Pumps for Drying Processes
- Annex 60: Retrofitting Heat Pump Systems in Large Non-domestic Buildings
- Annex 61: Heat Pumps in Positive Energy Districts
- Annex 63: Impact of heat pump placement on noise emissions
- Annex 64: Safety measures for flammable refrigerants
- Industrial High-Temperature Heat Pumps
- Digital Services for Heat Pumps
Completed Tasks
- Annex 01: Common Study of Advanced Heat Pumps
- Annex 02: Vertical Earth Heat Pump Systems
- Annex 03: Heat Pump Systems Applied in Industry
- Annex 04: IEA Heat Pump Center (FIZ Karlsruhe, Germany)
- Annex 06: Study of Working Fluid Mixtures and High Temperature Working Fluids for Compressor Driven Systems
- Annex 12: Modelling Techniques for Simulation and Design of Compression Heat Pumps
- Annex 15: Heat Pump Systems with Direct Expansion Ground Coils
- Annex 16: IEA Heat Pump Centre (NOVEM, Netherlands)
- Annex 18: Thermophysical Properties of Environmentally Acceptable Refrigerants
- Annex 28: Test Procedure and Seasonal Performance Calculation of Residential Heat Pumps with Combined Space and Domestic Hot Water Heating
- Annex 29: Ground Source Heat Pumps - Overcoming Market and Technical Barriers
- Annex 32: Economical Heating and Cooling Systems for Low Energy Houses
- Annex 33: Compact Heat Exchangers in HP Equipment (AIT)
- Annex 34: Thermally Driven Heat Pumps
- Annex 35: Application of Industrial Heat Pumps
- Annex 36: Quality Installation and Maintenance
- Annex 37: Demonstration of Field Measurements of Heat Pump Systems
- Annex 38: Systems Using Solar Thermal Energy in Combination with Heat Pumps
- Annex 39: A Common Method for Testing and Rating of Residential HP and AC
- Annex 41: Cold Climate Heat Pumps
- Annex 42: Heat pumps in smart energy grids for sustainable cities
- Annex 43: Fuel-driven heat pumps
- Annex 47: Heat Pumps in District Heating and Cooling systems
- Annex 48: Industrial Heat Pumps, Second Phase
- Annex 49: Design and integration of heat pumps for nZEB
- Annex 50: Heat Pumps in Multi-Family Buildings for space heating and DHW
- Annex 51: Acoustic Signatures of Heat Pumps
- Annex 54: Heat pump systems with low GWP refrigerants
- Annex 55: Comfort and Climate Box – Speeding up market development for integrating heat pumps and storage packages
- Annex 56: Digitalization and Internet of Things for Heat Pumps
- Annex 57: Showing flexibility benefits through heat pump implementation in multi-vector energy systems and thermal networks
- Annex 58: High-Temperature Heat Pumps
Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA
Contact Address
Exco delegate
DI Dr. Thomas Fleckl
Austrian Institut of Technology GmbH
Tel.: +43 50550-6616
ExCo alternate
Mag. Sabine Mitter
Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
Department for Energy and Environmental Technologies
Tel.: +43 (1) 71162-652915